Action request (posted for Lanmi)

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Reaction score

Your Steam Name:
Your Roleplay Name: Adolf Stojicic
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:535254475

Player's Steam Name: RipperG
Player's Roleplay Name: Renzo Pulini
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:3648399

Why should this player be punished?:
"3 of my organisation members and I were scouting a base to raid in hicktown, when the apparent owner came by and told us to leave. We we're still set on doing the raid, so when we came back later we met him near the house in the same car (seen in the video, some type of red pick-up), and in that moment we were contemplating about commencing the raid, but he once again told us to leave, in which moment multiple people including me get a clear shot on him and gunpoint him. I tell him to leave the car, however, he storms off and we try shooting at him. As we somehow chase him down and block him off with our cars, he once again doesn't comply under OBVIOUS gunpoint (we couldn't shoot him through the car). We decide to leave the scene and not hassle with him, and file a report instead. One thing that is worth mentioning, is that also, he somehow managed to call his "boys" even though he hadn't called them via the phone in-game. I believe that might be evidence of a 3rd party communication service being used, as he told us his "boys" were coming for us.

Thanks for reading through."

Evidence Link:

I was unsure where to post this, as he told me to post it for him since he was busy and had problems posting it.
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Thanks for posting it for me, I wasn't able to post it for some reason. But yeah everything is exactly as he described it.

@RipperG can you elaborate on your actions in the footage provided? I will also remind the player of this AR once I see them in-game since they don't seem to have logged onto the forums for eight days
I am checking everyday if you responded to this AR, my friend just posted it for me because I got error when I tried to post it you don't need to remind me.
I am checking everyday if you responded to this AR, my friend just posted it for me because I got error when I tried to post it you don't need to remind me.
I meant the player that was reported in the reply I've submitted
i saw 4 guys approaching me so i decided to leave after a little hicktown RP as you can tell. i stepped on the gas before any rp was done by them or guns pulled out. at 10 seconds when the person in the video who pulled his gun out was already behind me, and i was looking at his friends. i dont have eyes in the back of my head guys was just bad timing. you can see at when they actually boxed me in, and aimed gun at me i ended up getting out rdy for RP at the cabin. all these guys wanted to do is CS and this video proves it. where is an ounce of RP from them at all anywhere?

Upon viewing the footage provided in the video, it is very evident that a breach of 3.4 is subject here by @RipperG.

Although I understand where they are coming from, to preserve roleplay, all players are required to obey 3.4 at all times, no matter what, and comply with given orders quoting 3.4:

"Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well-being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons."

So for future reference, please obey verbal commands that are given out to you under direct gunpoint as covered in the server rule to avoid inconveniences to everybody's server experience, and please spare some time to read the rules once again to comprehend them.

@RipperG will receive a warning for 3.4

Link to the rules
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