Ban Dispute (Steelo)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Steelo
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: Justin Beamer
Your Roleplay Name: Dante Red
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:524602103

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.6, 2.5, 3.2, 3.4

Why should this appeal be considered?: First of all My ban is 6 months long which is mental, the reason for it being so long is because of "lying about metagaming'.

There are no clips of hard evidence such as hot micing, the only evidence is dropping a crowbar without speaking to a friend, and running to a back alley at a bazaar because my friend stopped crowbarring a door so I and my friend got suspicious, this was also a test by an admin which from my pov is admin abuse as he is using powers we don't have to condone tests about metagaming and even after that still no proof of us hot micing which is hard evidence

Additional Information: I was banned by admin abuse and its not fair as the police and the meta-gaming situation doesn't make sense, I killed a police officer as my freedom was at risk and he quoted "he could have run away instead of killing" which is pointless as the officer could have found me and arrested me, so killing him is easier. and there is no meta-gaming proof.

also, 6 months banned is just crazy if anyone of this is true which it isn't how ever I could learn from my mistakes in a day, not 6 months

For this dispute to be considered you'll have to provide some evidence.
In this case, uploading your demos when the incidents occurred would be sufficient.

Please provide these demos:
perpheads_demo_2022-12-27 07-00-36
perpheads_demo_2022-12-27 06-40-57
perpheads_demo_2022-12-27 05-41-08

Here's a guide that can help you find your demos:
You can upload the demos using this website:

This dispute can only dispute the validity of the punishment, not the length. If you believe the ban length to be excessive, please make a staff complaint.
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how is it fair that the person that banned me is replying to my dispute? that makes it biased defeating the whole point as I THINK YOU'RE REASON FOR BANNING ME IS STUPID
The person who banned you and the person who replied are 2 different staff members.
Hello @Ross, me and @steelo are the staff members who investigated and banned you.
@Ezza and @3izu are among some of the staff members reviewing this dispute, which if you haven't noticed, are completely different staff members.

Steelo and I cannot handle our own disputes, so I will not be replying with any decision, if this clears things up.

A few days have passed and no demos were provided. The staff members that dealt with you and your friends have provided us with videos of what happened.
Several staff members have agreed your actions were against the rules.

Starting with the situation outside of Suburbs monorail, you killed an officer for seemingly no reason breaking 2.5 and 3.4, this was also broken again outside of PD. Where you were shooting a mini cooper over a minor collision.

Lastly, you and your friends were seen picking up items without any communication with each other which made them suspect you of using a third-party communication application. It was then reasonably clear that you were indeed metagaming with each other when the bazaar incident occurred. Your friend was crowbarring at the back and he was then gun pointed, as soon as he was gun pointed you and your friend started running towards the alleyway guns drawn ready to kill despite there being no signs of danger.

If you still disagree with the ban length feel free to create a staff complaint or create a ban apology.

Reviewed with @curak @DANIEL_ @Ezza
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