Server Suggestion Make Flashes effective range a bit better.

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Suggestion Title: Make Flashes effective range a bit better.
Suggestion Description: So ive noticed while playing a lot of civ and doing raids ETC that when TFU flashes into an apartment and im staring straight at it i don't get flashed that much(As in affected a bit but still able to mainly see) Im unsure why a flashbang shouldn't be able to flash at that range,as in hindsight im not even that far away from it,Lets say someone was to throw a flashbang inside a slums/projex apartment and it land around the corner near the window,if im all the way at the back near the bathroom,even while looking at the flashbang i will not be that affected and will still be able to kill those who push in to see if im blinded.
Feel free to give me Feedback into your opinions.

Why should this be added?:
- Realism
-Increase in use of Flashbangs when on civ as they would be more useful
-TFU incentivised to use flashbangs more often then they do.

What negatives could this have?:
- Work for devs for Balancing changes
-People being aggravated because of a flash actually do its Job
tph i think flash is really good the real thing that need to be fix is the impact nade
sadly i cant find videos to show you how good is flash but @Auston maybe got some videos
tph i think flash is really good the real thing that need to be fix is the impact nade
sadly i cant find videos to show you how good is flash but @Auston maybe got some videos
I don't feel that way though,cause its really Predictable,and the Flash is normally not even worth it and can sometimes get you killed.
I don't feel that way though,cause its really Predictable,and the Flash is normally not even worth it and can sometimes get you killed.
The only way the flash can get you killed is either
1. You depend on the flash too much
2. You don't have somebody covering you whilst you use it
I mean im speaking from Experience from seeing TFU Attempt to use it on me,I don't think i really seen use for crim,Only like in one Raid defense,where it was again Extrememly Predictable.
tph i think flash is really good the real thing that need to be fix is the impact nade
sadly i cant find videos to show you how good is flash but @Auston maybe got some videos
Well ive been killed by your impact nades instantly a couple times lol.

Heres a flash example:

Heres a flash that did nothing:

The biggest issue with flashes is you just cant throw them into rooms with defenses, the throw is way too weak.

The flashes are hit or miss, sometimes they really do something, other times it was right next to them and they dont even notice.
Well ive been killed by your impact nades instantly a couple times lol.

Heres a flash example:

Heres a flash that did nothing:

The biggest issue with flashes is you just cant throw them into rooms with defenses, the throw is way too weak.

The flashes are hit or miss, sometimes they really do something, other times it was right next to them and they dont even notice.
If you attempt to throw a flash into the property that you have no knowledge of, (defenses etc), then chances are it'll be unsuccessful. The reason yours was useless is because you just tossed it in not attempting to hit a particular area, all yours did was bounce off the front bookcase and remain infront of all of the defenses, only thing it'd affect is your ears in that case.
Well ive been killed by your impact nades instantly a couple times lol.
its impact nade it should explode when it hit something

her is some videos show you how bad is the impact (you should throw the impact nade with less than 2 meters from the bodey)

Heres a flash that did nothing:
you didnt really throw it in good place

her it explode on my back but i got flashed ( i cant find my own video lol)
If the radius was made larger this could make the issue of them being able to blind through walls and props more prevalent though.
If the radius was made larger this could make the issue of them being able to blind through walls and props more prevalent though.
Ive never had them blind me through a wall or Props. I mean ive seen a chair completly negate a flashbang for me which i thought was commical.
It's been a few years since I last improved some of the issues with flash bangs, but they still aren't effective.

I'm going to make some improvements, but just increasing the distance isn't going to make any difference for the reasons outlined elsewhere in this thread.

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