Action Request (N/A)

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somewhere in Hong Kong or Australia
Your Steam Name: Isaac Kalashnikov
Your Roleplay Name: Isaac Kalashnikov
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54142249

Player's Steam Name: N/A
Player's Roleplay Name: Vera Montello
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:429462337

Why should this player be punished?: Defendant shot multiple individuals without any prior interaction or warning. As a result, a loss of property and assets from our end.

Evidence Link:
I can't remember why I did it because it's been 4 days, I can cover the other side's losses
Hey! I cannot tell if you were armed or not @Isaac Kalashnikov but just leaving this in here due it seeming relevant to this situation that according to Rule 2.5 it specifically states:

When participating in raids, players carrying visible weaponry inside of the property being raided are considered to be significant enough threats to be killed justifiably without prior verbal commands or interaction.

Therefore this player might have been raiding. As for shooting you, there is no proof you were armed so if you were not then it is indeed a breach of 2.5.
Hey! I cannot tell if you were armed or not @Isaac Kalashnikov but just leaving this in here due it seeming relevant to this situation that according to Rule 2.5 it specifically states:

When participating in raids, players carrying visible weaponry inside of the property being raided are considered to be significant enough threats to be killed justifiably without prior verbal commands or interaction.

Therefore this player might have been raiding. As for shooting you, there is no proof you were armed so if you were not then it is indeed a breach of 2.5.
Honestly I don't see why we are we getting raided, defendant shot the tank top guy at my doorstep. Then proceeded to kill all of us because we were witnesses. We don't ever know who is the tank top guy either way.

Furthermore, the weapon on the other individuals were intended to be use for sale purpose, I'm not armed at all. Feel free to watch the demo I attached.
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It's been 5 days since then, my friend, I don't remember specifically why I did it. but at that time i was trying to raid the bazaar shops I wanted to raid you and your friend pointed a gun at me , but maybe it wasn't your friend who pointed the gun at me but I thought it was with you and I shot.
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Seems like he was trying to 'raid' you, shooting your friend is fine however you were unarmed so a punishment for 2.5 Excessive Negativity will be issued. @Mazeg6
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