Server Suggestion Organization Props

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Suggestion Title: Organization Props
Suggestion Description: In the same way, the poker table is an organization prop and can only be placed back into org storage allowing us to set certain building props to be an organization prop.

Why should this be added?:
-  When people are building and done basing the props go back into org storage rather than having to pick them back up and put them into org storage.

What negatives could this have?:
- I can't imagine there being any.
You could just put barricades in org storage and trust your friends.
It's not a matter of trusting people, it's more for when you're done basing and want to disconnect and you have 30 props down, you have to make multiple trips to storage putting all of it back.

The org storage bound item system is already there it just needs to be extended to other props so I thought it shouldn't be too hard to implement the suggestion.