pug, dave, bojing, wagi, taakyon, quaver, klown, tmac, aloo, nate.

Reaction score
Genuinely all very cool people who I hang out with when I am in game. Some in game a lot and some out of game in other games, Besides all of them being straight up killers in roleplay that wreak havoc which is always great.

They're funny and they are very skilled from what I've seen. So I thought they + the honorable mentions deserve praise.

Honorable Mentions:

3up walnash​

you know he's sucking up cause he mentions they're very funny and skilled and then puts efan on the list
take it up with @Aquaa , I saw good skills from Ethan when he was in NWA and based on that + his org rep it's reasonable to deduct he's skilled.

@MalekIsWeird this cannot continue...
I will still go by the very precise metric that if you have more than twice the amount of messages compared to positive reactions then you are probably a bloatware ai maliciously planted on the forums