Police Suggestion Internal Affair change

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Suggestion Title: Internal Affair change
Suggestion Description: At this moment when there is a IA made against you you only get 1 chance to explain what happened with a Statement Request. After you submitted the statement request you are done as defendant and you can only hope the investigators will interpret your statement in the right way. You can not see the evidence and you can not see the messages send between the investigator or the accuser.

In my opinion this is totally not right how a fair process should go, in my country the defendant always gets the last word and i think this needs to be implemented in the IA system to.

So my specific suggestion is:
- Give more clarity of the IA process
- Give the defendant the last word
- Be more open with evidence (If the accuser agrees with that)

Why should this be added?:
- Less frustration for defendants
- Less insecurity of the defendants
- Just a more fair process

What negatives could this have?:
- A change in the IA system
- Maybe bit more work for the IA team to ask more questions?
Never had an IA on myself (yet) but from reading what you said, I agree that they should be able to explain themselves completely, wether this is done with 1 message or 20 it should not matter, As an IA is deemed a serious offense of Policy the defendant should be able to explain his side of the story.

For the evidence I can see why this is hidden, however it would help for the defendant to review this to clear up his memory about the situation so they would be able to explain themselves better.

However this could remove anonymity from the complainant, so im a bit mixed on that.
Also for your knowledge, if you wish to Amend/ make another statement you can actually do so, just make a helpdesk to internal affairs, they are normally fine with doing so. I also believe you can ask for them to show you the evidence in the situation to help freshen up your memory, but i can see why an automated system is prefered.
Usually any questions or concerns you have you can bring up directly to the assigned investigator, as a conversation is automatically created as soon as the statement is requested. It will look something like this:


As long as the Internal Affairs Policy is respected, if you request evidence through here you'll usually get it, as well as if you need to make amendments to your statement or have any queries about the situation. If that doesn't work, as has been said, you can just go through the plpd.online helpdesk directly to Internal Affairs and provide your case number (this is listed in the PM title, will be something like 1234567-AB1DE2-00) and they will help you out.

The reason that this information is not immediately accessible is because it may breach the confidentiality of the plaintiff or reveal some other part of the investigation that you are being examined on.
Yes you can make a helpdesk ticket but you still dont get any feedback. I dont have recent experience with IA but i remember one time when i got an IA against me the only message i got was the statement request. And a few days later i got a message that the IA is closed without any futher information.

My point is the lack of information for the defendant. Why not give the defendant a bit of feedback at the end of the investigation so he might know whats coming or even what he did wrong.
Yes you can make a helpdesk ticket but you still dont get any feedback. I dont have recent experience with IA but i remember one time when i got an IA against me the only message i got was the statement request. And a few days later i got a message that the IA is closed without any futher information.

My point is the lack of information for the defendant. Why not give the defendant a bit of feedback at the end of the investigation so he might know whats coming or even what he did wrong.

Something like this?
IA investigators can send another statement request or you can give information in the PM. If they aren’t doing this, it’s on them.
IA investigators can send another statement request or you can give information in the PM. If they aren’t doing this, it’s on them.

Information regarding what exactly? All investigator's do is really structure and present the evidence so the CC can make a decision but they have no idea on the outcome or why so I don't think its their job to give information in the PM, information they don't have anyway
Information regarding what exactly? All investigator's do is really structure and present the evidence so the CC can make a decision but they have no idea on the outcome or why so I don't think its their job to give information in the PM, information they don't have anyway
I was referring to the defendant being able to give more information within the PM.
I agree with this, i had an IA made on me and the shit got asked of me like a week later and I barely recalled wtf happened it had been so long. Pretty sure I forgot like half of what happened. Genuinely needs to be a way to edit the post.


(It seems like a lot of this is kinda rooted in policy, some of your stuff is being addressed right now, the rest should be done in a conversation to PSD / IA Command)

So my specific suggestion is:
- Give more clarity of the IA process -> Personal Complaint Dashboard is being done in a more user friendly way (Especially in regards to statements)
- Give the defendant the last word -> This is already possible, just with a supplemental statement request
- Be more open with evidence (If the accuser agrees with that) -> Already is a policy, but again will be made more clear in the new system
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