Doing a gun inventory giveaway

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Metagaming in discord with the boys
I'm going to do a raffle for all the guns in my inventory since I can't play the server anymore. Please reply to this thread if you would like to enter a raffle for the guns in my inventory. I have a decent amount of decked pistols and smg's so it would be worth it to enter it's free! (still doing giveaway even if the server fixes itself I am dirty cop main)
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I'm going to do a raffle for all the guns in my inventory since I can't play the server anymore. Please reply to this thread if you would like to enter a raffle for the guns in my inventory. I have a decent amount of decked pistols and smg's so it would be worth it to enter it's free!
They're litteraly just testing a new host, no one said its permanent. Stop being so dramatic
I'm going to do a raffle for all the guns in my inventory since I can't play the server anymore. Please reply to this thread if you would like to enter a raffle for the guns in my inventory. I have a decent amount of decked pistols and smg's so it would be worth it to enter it's free! (still doing giveaway even if the server fixes itself I am dirty cop main)
let me in dis
I'm going to do a raffle for all the guns in my inventory since I can't play the server anymore. Please reply to this thread if you would like to enter a raffle for the guns in my inventory. I have a decent amount of decked pistols and smg's so it would be worth it to enter it's free! (still doing giveaway even if the server fixes itself I am dirty cop main)
As a former chaeter i would love this as im running out of guns thx bby love you xx
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