Model Suggestion Brass knuckles and boxing tape to replace fists

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Suggestion Title: Brass knuckles and boxing tape to replace fists
Suggestion Description: There’s no way this is a “duplicate” suggestion as I am suggesting an entirely new feature alongside the knuckles, rather than just adding secondary weapons. Please read prior to saying it’s a duplicate!

Overhauling unarmed combat with weapons that when equipped go over the “fists” SWEP.

These weapons should include:
- Brass knuckles: Weapon that increases punch damage, adding a mild stun chance on headshot however would slow down punch speed.
- Spiked knuckles: Weapons that should cause a slow bleed effect with almost every punch as well as adding more power but not as much power or stun chance as brass knuckles, and would slow down punch speed just as much.
- Boxing tape: Should reduce stamina usage per punch.

Unlike regular melee weapons that fall into the “secondary weapon” category, these should fall under the equipment tab tasers fall under and replace the fists SWEP. The only difference being punch damage and effect has changed as well as punch speed. All other fist functions should remain as normal. Upon unequipping this, fists will become fists again.

Crafting recipes for these could include:
- Brass knuckles: 3 brass bulk, 1 paint bucket, 1 metal polish.
- Spiked knuckles: 1 brass bulk, 1 refined metal 25% pure, 1 metal polish.
- Boxing tape: 1 hunk of polymer.

The reason these should replace fists when equipped, rather than being simply a melee weapon on the secondary tab is, currently melee weapons rarely see much serious use due to them being secondary weapons, a slot that can much preferably be filled by a firearm rather than a small little melee weapon. Having the weapon come under an equipment tab however is much better as it entirely eliminates that downside of carrying a pitifully damaging melee weapon in a city full of people with guns.

Why should this be added?:
- A realistic set of street weapons.
- Boxing tape could be used in UFC events.
- More proportionate to deal with an unarmed attack than current weapons.
- Having it replace fists SWEP when equipped is a reasonable balancing factor in my opinion as neither of these weapons would suffice as secondary weapons, meaning people will have more reason to use it for reasons explained above.

What negatives could this have?:
- Model work required.
- Instances of players being punched without realising their attacker actually has a weapon? (Not really a con)
- Technically allows players to carry 4 weapons if equipped alongside a primary, secondary and a grenade? (Cops can equip 5 weapons though so this is balanced)
I like this, the current melee system is too basic, it's either u don't have a melee weapon and u die or you need to take up one slot for a melee weapon, this would be cool to see can't lie.
why brass knuckles get all rings and done kidding but really i think brass knuckles should be seperate to fists
Brass Knuckles would be really nice as a sort of stealth brawling weapon, and would get people to think twice before getting involved in a fistfight I feel. You'd need a slightly different sound for them though, cause I reckon people won't actually see the brass knuckles when they're in a brawl, so they need some obvious way to know they're being hit by something metal as opposed to just being punched.
Brass Knuckles would be really nice as a sort of stealth brawling weapon, and would get people to think twice before getting involved in a fistfight I feel. You'd need a slightly different sound for them though, cause I reckon people won't actually see the brass knuckles when they're in a brawl, so they need some obvious way to know they're being hit by something metal as opposed to just being punched.
Heavy hit audio could play upon being hit with brass knuckles?
I think having it replace fists would be a bit silly, cause then you wouldn't be able to whip it out in the middle of an existing fist fight. You'd be like "sorry bruv ik we're brawling but just let me stand still and equip this rq."
I think having it replace fists would be a bit silly, cause then you wouldn't be able to whip it out in the middle of an existing fist fight. You'd be like "sorry bruv ik we're brawling but just let me stand still and equip this rq."
Downside to drawing a weapon mid fist fight then I guess? I don’t see this as a problem.
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