Action Request (Roos)

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Reaction score
Ohio, United States of America
Your Steam Name: Eric Jonson
Your Roleplay Name: Eric Jonson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80703450

Player's Steam Name: Roos
Player's Roleplay Name: Mackenzle Harington
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:524310229

Why should this player be punished?: 1.1,1.4,3.24 User was arrested for fleeing from police and started getting extremely toxic OOC. First he mentioned how i was free XP and talking about coming home from work so he can chill talking OOC and then insulting me by calling me fat, retard, old fuck a few times over the course of his arrest. He is currently serving a OOC blacklist for calling me fat from Maia(I believe it is in regards to that as he had previous messages removed by staff the night he was blacklisted) He was acting up and i had continued to keep it IC by saying he was salty because he was arrested (Calling him IC salty) and he resorted to using trying to act like he knows me and use personal insults against me. I was only able to get demo but i'm sure you can get his demo to hear my voice if needed

Evidence Link:
All i can say, i can not say anything i just got so mad at this point that he is arresting me for something very stupid
All i can say, i can not say anything i just got so mad at this point that he is arresting me for something very stupid
I wanna apologize aswell, for that what i said and i regret for that i said this stupid words to @Eric Jonson i will make sure to dont do that again.
I wanna apologize aswell, for that what i said and i regret for that i said this stupid words to @Eric Jonson i will make sure to dont do that again.
Personally don't accept it. You've continued to treat me like shit and its annoying.
All i can say, i can not say anything i just got so mad at this point that he is arresting me for something very stupid
You guys ran from police for no apparent reason other then having guns out of your back.
we ran from police due to having over 100k of guns on us
2 as50 what u want me to do i got so mad about it
What u mean mate im not gonna give up like this 110k worth of guns of course im gonna get mad about it lol
You can't run from police for having guns on your back same reason why you can't shoot police for losing guns. Same category. You ran for no reason got arrested and proceeded to call me a retard among other personal attacks

@roos You have broken the following rules; 1.1, 1.4, 3.24.

@roos You will receive a 1 month ban, this is due to you already having OOC and LOOC blacklists for the same rules and the same Disrespectful Conduct. You had a chance to stop this conduct and failed to do so.

@Eric Jonson In future if you feel like a player is insulting you i would ask you tell them to stop in LOOC as you are getting offended by their conduct, however in this case its clear @roos broke the rules significantly.
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