when i try to search for the server in the browser it dosent appear

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United Kingdom
it wont show up on my history or my faviourtes i tried legacy browser but that just said "server is not responding" whenever i clicked join game,got any solutions to this?

The way I was able to connect was through another player, do you have a friend on your friends list that is currently playing?
it wont show up on my history or my faviourtes i tried legacy browser but that just said "server is not responding" whenever i clicked join game,got any solutions to this?
IF you are attempting to try to join the server which seems like what you are asking type in console. connect
yeah so bassically when i search for it it dosent appear in faviourtes,history or even when i search for it in the gamemodes section (darkrp) so im not sure whats causing the problem i have gmod on the 64 branch version maybe thats the problem? or i should switch back to the default branch
yeah so bassically when i search for it it dosent appear in faviourtes,history or even when i search for it in the gamemodes section (darkrp) so im not sure whats causing the problem i have gmod on the 64 branch version maybe thats the problem? or i should switch back to the default branch
Type in connect And you should join the server without having anything stopping you. Hopefully!
it said unknown command i also tried connect perpheads.com it connected me into the game but it kinda freezed at "connecting to server" and then it said connection failed after 4 retries