Action Request (EDWARLDO)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: MalekIsWeird
Your Roleplay Name: Omar Asfour
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137872891

Player's Steam Name: EDWARLDO
Player's Roleplay Name: Edwarldo Rodreguez
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:805548362

Why should this player be punished?: Broke multiple rules. Unrealistic actions, 3.4, 3.6 and 2.5

As you can see he acted unrealistically, broke 3.4 and 3.6 and 2.5 throughout this videos

Evidence Link:

@EDWARLDO Please explain your actions.
i honestly dont see how i broke any rules here my whole org doesnt like omar becuase hes always disrespectful and i was saying it in the clip and he punched me so i took action against it the only thing i probrably shouldve done better is feared for my life allilte more with my words but i did everything i was supposed too
omar really says it all with this pick ngl View attachment 22116
That’s me memeing a guy before you who said that exact quote, I thought it was funny that’s it.

The rules are clear:

It seems like ever since I double crossed your set up at office DD to which you immediately broke 3.4, your whole org has been upset at me and I even overheard you ranting about it after your respawn sounding angry that you were rightfully killed then forced to hand over the stuff you were going to lose anyway. Obviously this doesn’t justify blatantly doing what the 2.5 guide explicitly told you not to do.

Lastly me disrespecting you in character stays in character and is allowed. Yes I told you to “eat a dick and shut up,” and there are several reasons why this is natural response but I will name three to keep it short:
1) You won’t shut up before despite being told if you don’t you would be killed
2) you tried to murder my character
3) you insulted my character non stop starting with me minding my business at bazaar and YOU initiating the verbal attack as our first interaction on that life.
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After reviewing all the clips provided, it is clear that @EDWARLDO has violated rules 2.5, 3.4, and 3.6.

@EDWARLDO was punched once and then immediately decided to take out a rifle in an attempt to kill @MalekIsWeird, their actions were disproportionate and excessively negative as a singular punch or breaking a TV is not a valid reason to kill someone.

Whilst being kidnapped and his life under threat, failed to preserve his life by insulting @MalekIsWeird which led to to his death.

To further clarify the accusations of 1.2 and 2.8, the phrase "eat a dick and shut up" itself is neither homophobic or considered sexual role-play as it is typically an insult, given the context here.

@EDWARLDO will be receiving a 3 day ban.
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