Action Request (2 rule brakers)

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Your Steam Name: fokus-rado08
Your Roleplay Name: Radoslav Stoyanov
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:756225799

Player's Steam Name: 2 rule brakers
Player's Roleplay Name: 2 rule brakers
Player's SteamID: 2 rule brakers

Why should this player be punished?: The players should be punished because they broke 3.4. they decided to kill detained persons because they had ,,exploded" there house. there was actual explosion and it makes sense for them to take a revenge, but they did it in front of cops which led to brake of rule 3.4. There is 5 witnesses who can prove my point.(making AR because nobody responded to my f6 also l went to sleep). l can provide anything from the demos if need it

Evidence Link:
Is anyone going to take that AR or no. If you want l can go in demos to show what happened
To be honest there was a third guy shooting from the bridge.It seems that he shot because he wanted to kill cops. When l get home l can provide his steam id with a video
Hello @3izu and everyone else,

Firstly i'd like to point out me and my friend @Ligma A.K.A John Ojeda are new players in the server (it does not show up on my name because i played in 2015 but didnt put too much time into the server.)

I do not remember this incident clearly, although i'll try to detail this as much as i can.

Our house was raided and burned by these 2 people apprehended.

We thought realistically about getting our revenge.

Right after the raiding, they got apprehended although there was only 2 cops on the scene and nobody else.

We though to ourselves "Why not get revenge, we know them and we didnt die while the raiding was happening"

We thought we could overpower the police since it was a realistic scenario.

Please keep in mind we did not commit this crime on direct eyesight of police according to 3.4,

I still think we did not break any rules since it was a RP situation, i would to the same thing in real life if this happened. (the whole thing for us was "Assasination went bad" scenario)

Although the decision rests with you @3izu

P.S, we dont know the guy RDMing on the bridge, he's not involved with John Ojeda A.K.A "Ligma" or me A.K.A "Pen Liza"

Another small P.S: If we broke a rule, we are terribly sorry, the whole situation just made sense realistically to us, if not thanks for reviewing this case and giving us a chance to improve ourselves and making rules stand out.

Thanks for the person making this report as well for keeping the community safe.

With best regards,
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Hello @3izu and everyone else,

Firstly i'd like to point out me and my friend @Ligma A.K.A John Ojeda are new players in the server (it does not show up on my name because i played in 2015 but didnt put too much time into the server.)

I do not remember this incident clearly, although i'll try to detail this as much as i can.

Our house was raided and burned by these 2 people apprehended.

We thought realistically about getting our revenge.

Right after the raiding, they got apprehended although there was only 2 cops on the scene and nobody else.

We though to ourselves "Why not get revenge, we know them and we didnt die while the raiding was happening"

We thought we could overpower the police since it was a realistic scenario.

Please keep in mind we did not commit this crime on direct eyesight of police according to 3.4,

I still think we did not break any rules since it was a RP situation, i would to the same thing in real life if this happened. (the whole thing for us was "Assasination went bad" scenario)

Although the decision rests with you @3izu

P.S, we dont know the guy RDMing on the bridge, he's not involved with John Ojeda A.K.A "Ligma" or me A.K.A "Pen Liza"

Another small P.S: If we broke a rule, we are terribly sorry, the whole situation just made sense realistically to us, if not thanks for reviewing this case and giving us a chance to improve ourselves and making rules stand out.

Thanks for the person making this report as well for keeping the community safe.

With best regards,

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk​

  • Committing a violent or serious crime, such as murder, theft, arson, etc. whilst knowing that police are in direct eyeshot of the scene you wish to commit the crime at.
Also there were 3 cops

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk​

  • Committing a violent or serious crime, such as murder, theft, arson, etc. whilst knowing that police are in direct eyeshot of the scene you wish to commit the crime at.
Also there were 3 cops
"I do not remember this incident clearly, although i'll try to detail this as much as i can."

I'll let the demos talk for itself, i remember there were 2 cops on the scene.

Thanks for making this report.
"I do not remember this incident clearly, although i'll try to detail this as much as i can."

I'll let the demos talk for itself, i remember there were 2 cops on the scene.

Thanks for making this report.
l will put my demo files too. When l get home
l will put my demo files too. When l get home
I’m new in the city and so is @360N0SCOPEM8REK he is an OG as he played years ago but he only just came back and I only start. We got our home bombed by a timed explosive or something and the home was on fire as well at Suburbs house 7, we seen who did it and decided to follow the rules which is having 2 hour seek revenge opportunity, we seen them detained but the cops were sitting there for such a long time they didn’t let them go so I decided to get my revenge (I did not know that such rule as 3.4 rule existed because no new player will have the whole rules list drilled into their head.) So I’d appreciate it if you gave us a warning or something because we were not aware of rule 3.4, nobody new is going to look at the rules and remember everything. Also we don't know the person that was on the "bridge" and wasn't aware that he was even on it and was going to shoot at everyone.
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We already are banned and we made a mistake so we got ourselves banned, extending for something this stupid is not reasonable. I hope you won’t ruin our fun and roleplay that we benefit in this server, I was a GTA 5 fivem role player and I came over to gmod as my mate got me into gmod and specifically this server because it’s the best server I’ve seen and had the most fun with, I hope you will reason with us because mistakes like this we did not know about 3.4 if we did we wouldnt of killed them, I hope you understand.
I’ll explain the situation that lead up to this In full for context. Myself and @bestenjoyer were going around just generally role playing, we found ourselves in suburbs talking to some cops and some people. I went to go park my car across the street and go AFK to go take a shit, while this happened @bestenjoyer was apparently shot and nearly killed while I was gone. Upon coming back I asked what happened and once @bestenjoyer was free he informed me that the people at subs 7 were attempting to coax him inside with weapons at which time a shootout occurred. I asked what he wanted to do to take revenge and he agreed burning their house down for attempting to take his life was appropriate. These two players had every right to take revenge on us, and we did not make reports in game on them. We had quite a lot of fun role playing with them however the cop who is reporting them has every right to report them for 3.4. I’m just saying in the grand scheme of things they had every right to engage in killing us as my friend had prior interactions with them. I dont believe they had any ill intent on breaking rules, they probably just didn’t know you can’t take revenge with cops present. Especially when they weren’t under arrest before for anything.

Edit: I also forgot to mention, the reason we were detained in subs again almost 15 minutes later was because a guy was chasing us ramming us off the road because we got in a small collision with him in our mini cooper. He was RDMing us for slightly tapping his car, and we acted in self defense as he rammed us off the road and started shooting us. We then surrender to police as we had done nothing wrong at the time. Which led to this happening.
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Thank you for adding your side of the story.

Indeed we had no ill intent, we just wanted to get revenge with proper RP.

I'd like to point out we are new players just trying to learn the mechanics of the server still.

With best regards,

@360N0SCOPEM8REK and @Ligma Will be receiving a ban for breaking 2.5 and 3.4

Both have violated 3.4 for committing a crime whilst officers are still in the area, if your goal was to seek revenge you should've waited until the officers left. 2.5 was broken as you unnecessarily killed cops.

"motson 2" will have their ban extended by 1 week for also breaking 2.5 and 3.4.

Reviewed with @Draxen and @Oddy
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