missing item

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my org had a long illuminated sign and i took it out and tried to place it and it wasnt working so i tried to put it away and still didnt work then i made a f6 and got told to try rejoin and when i rejoined the prop was full gone, wasnt in my inventory or org storage where it usually is,, also should mention i havent got a way of evidence my demos dont upload staff have tried before and i dont have medal just hoping someone can see logs
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my org had a long illuminated sign and i took it out and tried to place it and it wasnt working so i tried to put it away and still didnt work then i made a f6 and got told to try rejoin and when i rejoined the prop was full gone, wasnt in my inventory or org storage where it usually is,, also should mention i havent got a way of evidence my demos dont upload staff have tried before and i dont have medal just hoping someone can see logs
It is an active and known bug we have. It will get fixed as soon as possible.
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