Action Request (Shokron)

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Reaction score
Ireland, Dublin
Your Steam Name: Kali
Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759

Player's Steam Name: Shokron
Player's Roleplay Name: Lamar Clark
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96586872

Why should this player be punished?: User decided to raid me and my friend and failed to investigate the area before raiding. if they had of investigated they would have realised the property we were on was unowned we were standing outside waiting for our friend to come they immediately pulled up and shot us

Evidence Link:
Responding for Shokron

As you can hear in the clip provided to me by Headline , i believe its @Kali Who said in the beginning of the clip "Ava is buying it" Which doesn't really mean much. It could be a Crash or someone just DCing. If that's not the case, Why are u inside an unowned property with guns ? For the investigating part, I'm 100% i did everything i could to make sure its owned, the only thing i didn't do was actually check the door itself.
1. You were in the lobby with a gun, im not going to risk it so i parked in City Gas station, and watched for a bit while waiting for my friend to come.
2. As i pulled up i saw i believe Kali getting dropped off by a Bugatti in office.
3. As i was sitting inside my car in City Gas, There was clearly a Lady in the window above, which was later found in one of the Back rooms armed.
4. We did a few spins around office while waiting for another friend to catch up (Tesla as u can hear in the video right before i zoom across his screen), and i even got pulled over by a cop in City Garage for running the stop signs and no Headlights.
The game plan was to park on the side of office, and run up to try and gunpoint you if possible, and catch you by suprise. You were fully aware of our intentions as is shows in the clip because you even told your friend "wait let me try to resolve this". I Hopped out of my car to see both of you running at me , one with a gun in his hand, I Already had my gun out, so in order to preserve our lives, i shot. People don't usually run full sprint at people with a gun in their hands to resolve things and that's why i believed my life was in danger, you could've had it on your back as you know 5.1 Mugging, doesn't allow me to take your gun regardless if i was gunpointing you.
I don't remember you saying anything to me , maybe it was because my friend was talking on the phone ? i thought you are on Whisper at the beginning but towards the end of your clip i hear you saying "It wasn't F on", did u mean your Mic ? or Medal.
Regardless, that's all I'm gonna yap about it , will provide demos if needed.
I Still don't know what rule is being accused of being broken also.
Responding for Shokron

As you can hear in the clip provided to me by Headline , i believe its @Kali Who said in the beginning of the clip "Ava is buying it" Which doesn't really mean much. It could be a Crash or someone just DCing. If that's not the case, Why are u inside an unowned property with guns ? For the investigating part, I'm 100% i did everything i could to make sure its owned, the only thing i didn't do was actually check the door itself.
1. You were in the lobby with a gun, im not going to risk it so i parked in City Gas station, and watched for a bit while waiting for my friend to come.
2. As i pulled up i saw i believe Kali getting dropped off by a Bugatti in office.
3. As i was sitting inside my car in City Gas, There was clearly a Lady in the window above, which was later found in one of the Back rooms armed.
4. We did a few spins around office while waiting for another friend to catch up (Tesla as u can hear in the video right before i zoom across his screen), and i even got pulled over by a cop in City Garage for running the stop signs and no Headlights.
The game plan was to park on the side of office, and run up to try and gunpoint you if possible, and catch you by suprise. You were fully aware of our intentions as is shows in the clip because you even told your friend "wait let me try to resolve this". I Hopped out of my car to see both of you running at me , one with a gun in his hand, I Already had my gun out, so in order to preserve our lives, i shot. People don't usually run full sprint at people with a gun in their hands to resolve things and that's why i believed my life was in danger, you could've had it on your back as you know 5.1 Mugging, doesn't allow me to take your gun regardless if i was gunpointing you.
I don't remember you saying anything to me , maybe it was because my friend was talking on the phone ? i thought you are on Whisper at the beginning but towards the end of your clip i hear you saying "It wasn't F on", did u mean your Mic ? or Medal.
Regardless, that's all I'm gonna yap about it , will provide demos if needed.
I Still don't know what rule is being accused of being broken also.
Thank you.

@Kali please take some time to read through this and share your thoughts.

You are welcome to continue going through the situation together in this thread.
Ok so what was the need to rush into the property after clearly seeing it was unowned and kill our friend in a corning facing away from you he ran up there and we stood inside just to make sure he didn’t get mugged and i was never dropped off by a buggati the buggati pulled up and then after maybe 10 seconds drove to bazaar. And in my clip u can see my friend running at you unarmed and then he seen you pointing guns in out direction so thats when he pulled out his gun and was shot so why were pointing guns at us before he pulled out his gun and when he pulled it out it was in passive and you shot him??
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