Action Request (N/a)

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Reaction score

Your Steam Name: AceAbo
Your Roleplay Name: Ace Abo
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:547545090

Player's Steam Name: N/a
Player's Roleplay Name: Raj Mahal
Player's SteamID: N/A

Why should this player be punished?: Raj Mahal kept moving in the cross fire of criminals and cops as shown in the clip
this action prevented me from shooting + he was originally behind cover behind the wall where the shooters were but he went to the cross fire

Evidence Link:
Looking at your video, what else could the user have done? He was put in a sticky position there imo
Looking at your video, what else could the user have done? He was put in a sticky position there imo
He was originally behind cover but decided to come out of cover while there was a clear shots between the two sides
We had gunpointed the individuals and forced them to crouch in front of the doorway to provide us cover

It seems like the other user just got caught short here. That flashbang was terrible and landed straight on him the poor guy. It’s also good to bare in mind the user is new and this was probably quite a lot for them to deal with. I don’t see any malicious intent here
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