When you die!

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When you die!

Short explanation (in notes):
When you die, (i mean when your screen turns black) Then you have to wait about 5min before u respawn. Make a room to wait in before you get teleported or spawned back in the city.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
What about making a closed room, you would spawn in when you die like a waiting room before you spawn for real. Im just thinking its kinda boring just waiting 5-10 min before u spawn after you died, and the only thing you can do is to chat in ooc.
Then instead of just waiting to spawn again, you would have the chance to talk to who else there is dead on the server. Just talking to make the time goes faster for both of you.
I dont think this will affect the gameplay, but i think many people would enjoy this.
Its almost like when you are jail, the time is boring, but if there is somebody else you can talk to, the time goes faster.
I hear alot of people complaining about the long spawn time, especially the new players.
I think this will make them stop.

Optional additions:
You could just make the room a big square so nobody can get or out.
Could be a white room to symbolize heaven, or a red room for hell does not really mather.
I can see this being easily denied because it would affect realism but really, waiting 5 minutes to re-spawn just makes SHIFT+TAB and watch a butt load of videos.
I like the idea as I have died many times and it is quite boring just sitting there, the only problem is there could just be a load of afk people standing around. +/- support
This would be relatively easy to make, if I am correct. Simply, when the screen would turn black, the player is instead spawned at a certain location, and when about 2-3 minutes have run out there, they get respawned back at City Hall.

It's not very realistic, but not everything has to be realistic. For example, paramedics can't heal you completely, but usually just make sure you don't die immediately, and then bring you to a hospital, where doctors will take care of you.
I don't see a reason for this not to be added. The only other thing you can do while dead, besides waiting and talking in OOC, is going AFK. And none of those three is extremely interesting, so having a nice chat with other people that died wouldn't hurt.

EDIT: After some thought, this actually seems like a bad idea. I must've been drunk before, because getting killed should actually be feared, rather than a funny experience with other dead people. Go AFK, get something to eat, drink, or go to the toilet, instead.

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I agree with Gerkin (what a lovely man)

Death at the moment is in my opinion too little of an obstacle. If you're bored when you're dead, go for a piss, go grab a drink or watch some top quality hentai in the steam overlay. Just be thankful that you don't drop everything when you die because I can pretty much guarantee that people will suddenly begin to have longer lives if that is added in.

This is a cheap and naff idea that seems like it should be in some shitty dark rp server.
- Support
Sorry but this sounds horrible.
When you are dead, it gives everyone an opportunity for a toilet break, grab a drink. (Some of us wouldn't if it wasn't for dying). It just doesn't seem logical and sounds tacky. Maybe on WackywarehouseDarkRP server it can be used but in PERP we need to stay away from crummy roleplay.
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