Ban Apology (Oddy)

Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Oddy
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Authorized
Your Roleplay Name: Charles Donkins
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:158026106

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - The player failed to comply with orders given under gunpoint by multiple officers, after stalling for a few moments the player ultimately ran away from the gunpoint.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I firstly want to apologise to the staff member for having to deal with this situation in the first place and secondly to the people who's roleplay I ruined by not abiding by the rule 3.4.

I was just chilling on my day off with 2 mates early today thinking it was quite quiet and we could just have some fun so i had my music on and (i know i have been warned for having music on before so i have no defence there) was just driving around to get some materials when i got back to the door of office and seeing officers i did hesitate under gun point and ran up office stairs but i knew i did wrong and ran back down soon after and gave myself up to the officer outside, everyone there believes i ran up the stairs and out the fire escape but i did truthfully and honestly come back down the main office staircase even if no one saw me come down, i didnt put anything into storage or drop anything i just knew i was in the wrong and tried to rectify it ASAP but i am aware i should not have done it in the first place.

Another problem Oddy mentioned was that my rule break caused our base to be raided and my friends lost their stuff, I have since spoken to them and they are completely fine with it and i will repay them for losses they are also annoyed at me for getting banned understandably.

I understand now with this ban the severity of my actions and would once again just like to apologise to all involved.


(Involved) Hi, my in-game name is Harry Donkins and i was in the office building which got raided as a result of authorized coming in, firstly he owned the building and we are all friends so i am not really bothered about losing all our stuff its not that big of a deal and secondly and honestly he did go back down those office stairs and not out the fire escape to hand himself in to the officer at the bottom as we never saw him in the base leave out the back.
Not saying what he did was right but i dont think it should be a ban or a 3 day one at that, he knew what he did was wrong and did not hide anything and just gave himself up shortly after running and i will ensure he never listens to music to distract him again and keep him in line!

we miss him
(Involved) Hi, my in-game name is Harry Donkins and i was in the office building which got raided as a result of authorized coming in, firstly he owned the building and we are all friends so i am not really bothered about losing all our stuff its not that big of a deal and secondly and honestly he did go back down those office stairs and not out the fire escape to hand himself in to the officer at the bottom as we never saw him in the base leave out the back.
Not saying what he did was right but i dont think it should be a ban or a 3 day one at that, he knew what he did was wrong and did not hide anything and just gave himself up shortly after running and i will ensure he never listens to music to distract him again and keep him in line!

we miss him
i was involved aswell and would just like to add the police were not very professional and did not listren to me and harry as we repeated several times that charles is not in the building which resulted ina pd raid which i didnt care about losing the drugs altho i cared that the police did not block off the scene and let a random guy come in and minge grab my gun which i didnt get back and i had to get a admin involved cause the police are dumb

You hid within the property for some time, before making it out unseen, you did not go down with the intention of immediately surrendering as you are claiming in this appeal. You also attempted to preserve your gun by hiding it behind the taxi station, but changed your mind, before surrendering.

Wait this one out.