Action Request (idk)

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Your Steam Name: ALOO89
Your Roleplay Name: leonard
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169228602

Player's Steam Name: idk
Player's Roleplay Name: cameron bleed and xiang qin and joel lavender
Player's SteamID: idk

Why should this player be punished?: all 3 of officers dc while there where locked in jails while they could use there phones to do 911 call to get them out of the jails

Evidence Link:
hi buddy im involved, sadly by u locking us in the cells its a situation that were not gonna talk about, another issue: whats the point of us calling other officers over 911 when theyre already dead? ( u decided to stay for so long, that theyve returned from a seperate situation). As u failed to leave the scene for 5 minutes by taking pictures. So thats 5 minutes waiting for the officers to respawn, and another 5-10 minutes of NLR at PD, we are INDEED NOT GOING TO waste our private free time (most likely around 15 minutes) to sit there in a cell thanks to some person that wants to be the class clown within his friend group.
we spend 2:04 mins to take photos not 5 mins and we didnt kill all officers 1 officer was alive 3z you guys dc while he was in the pd if you are saying that im not saying trueth upload clip also i dont think you waited 5 mins after we left the pd

at 1:35 of my clip u decided to start ziptying me and other officers (or i mean ur friend did) which is fine, lets remove 10 seconds of doing that. At 4:40 u only then started saying "lets get out of here" which is quite exactly 3 minutes. 5 Minutes is a metaphore as im not gonna go to a clip mid f6 report just to count the exact seconds and miliseconds to tell to the staff. 3 Minutes longer than u shouldve been there, especially as u already had what u came for - which was the inprisoned people.
at 1:35 of my clip u decided to start ziptying me and other officers (or i mean ur friend did) which is fine, lets remove 10 seconds of doing that. At 4:40 u only then started saying "lets get out of here" which is quite exactly 3 minutes. 5 Minutes is a metaphore as im not gonna go to a clip mid f6 report just to count the exact seconds and miliseconds to tell to the staff. 3 Minutes longer than u shouldve been there, especially as u already had what u came for - which was the inprisoned people.
if you are counting from time that you have been zip tize yes its over 5 mins but if you are counting from time that we left the pd its not over 5 mins

and if you really complaing about it think about crims they get arrested and the time that it take to take them to pd and give me them 10years dont you think thats to long as will ?

if everyone going to say im not ready to spend 15 mins being handcuff everyone will dc same as you
if you are counting from time that you have been zip tize yes its over 5 mins but if you are counting from time that we left the pd its not over 5 mins

and if you really complaing about it think about crims they get arrested and the time that it take to take them to pd and give me them 10years dont you think thats to long as will ?

if everyone going to say im not ready to spend 15 mins being handcuff everyone will dc same as you
U get arrested for what u did, if cops could teleport it would make sense, but sorry - we cant put u in prison from subs/forest/bazaar or any other area on the map, u have to be transported to PD, as we cant teleport, we cant fly, and we cant break traffic laws.

U get arrested for what you do, and what u deserve - if u scream 10 toes, or u dont cooperate its obviously gonna get u max ticket/sentence.

So if u get detained for 15 minutes maybe think about the situation ur in? U would most likely be in a public place, knowing u - u know ppl from all around the server, so they would free u if the cop died. Sadly - random civilians wont enter PD to let cops out of a cell, especially cause they have no idea its going on.
U get arrested for what u did, if cops could teleport it would make sense, but sorry - we cant put u in prison from subs/forest/bazaar or any other area on the map, u have to be transported to PD, as we cant teleport, we cant fly, and we cant break traffic laws.
u got zip tize for removeing your radio if i can take photos with less than 2.04 mins i would but you guys break 3.4 by moveing /talking etc if you where complaing i would do it faster and leave

no point of sending messeges her i will wait for staff memebr to deal with it you are just profing you are wrong

you didnt even wait more than 5 mins by calling 911 or try it maybe
u got zip tize for freeing my friend if i can take photos with less than 2.04 mins i would but you guys break 3.4 by moveing /talking etc if you where complaing i would do it faster and leave

no point of sending messeges her i will wait for staff memebr to deal with it you are just profing you are wrong

you didnt even wait more than 5 mins by calling 911 or try it maybe
cuz theres absolutely no point to do so, u killed all the officers that wouldve been able to rescue us, if u decided to just lock us in a cell and leave, yet instead u took the only way of us escaping.
+ If someone moves maybe just take the picture that is possible, and leave instead of running back and forth opening and locking the cell for a picture xdd
u killed all the officers that wouldve been able to rescue us
go to ur demos and check did i kill all the officers "NO" there was 1 officer alive 3z but as i said you didnt try to call 911 or wait 5 mins after shootout stoped
+ If someone moves maybe just take the picture that is possible, and leave instead of running back and forth opening and locking the cell for a picture xdd
if you guys comply with gp that wouldn't happen
go to ur demos and check did i kill all the officers "NO" there was 1 officer alive 3z but as i said you didnt try to call 911 or wait 5 mins after shootout stoped

if you guys comply with gp that wouldn't happen
"if you guys comply with gp that wouldn't happen" thats ur choice to stay there, we didnt ask u to stay, we were ziptied u had the gun, u couldve ran away at any moment.

Ur acting like ur forced to do all this
"if you guys comply with gp that wouldn't happen" thats ur choice to stay there, we didnt ask u to stay, we were ziptied u had the gun, u couldve ran away at any moment.
you did ask me to stay there since you didnt comply with gp you where ziptied with gun on ur head instead of takeing risk of you life and compile with gp you just ignored us
you did ask me to stay there since you didnt comply with gp you where ziptied with gun on ur head instead of takeing risk of you life and compile with gp you just ignored us
so by walking away to not block other ppl for your picture, i told u to stay? verbal words asking u to stay? XD

@DemonZ @Jaturas @JuhansMad will each receive a warning for 3.20

As frustrating as it is to deal with a situation like this, you can't reconnect to get out of the cells when you do in fact have a phone you can use to call for help. Had you waited longer than only a few minutes without assistance arriving, then this wouldn't have been an issue.

Reviewed with: @Bnjemann @Oddy @Scoot @SadBoy
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