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East Grestin Border Checkpoint
I need the best and brightest of the PERPHeads community to answer a question that came to me while in the shower (#ShowerThoughts).

How would a blind person know when to stop wiping after a shit?
When you find the answer, I will be happy.

It feels far less slimy when you are done wiping. You can also keep on wiping with different sheets of TP, smelling each one until one smells of ass instead of shit. Just some of my ideas.
Well, when I do it, I often summon luchadorius, the 9th dan of hell and only mexican demon, he gives me a magically taco that lets my butthole become completely clean as a whistle, it's a fair sacrifice for my anal virginity.
Same question:
You know those crossing that bleep for disabled people, what would happen if you got that noise and played it next to a blind man when there are cars coming >:D
Same question:
You know those crossing that bleep for disabled people, what would happen if you got that noise and played it next to a blind man when there are cars coming >:D
They'd die from either awful musculoskeletal injuries or a catastrophic hemorrhage you sick bastard
Well make sure the guy has really thin loo roll. If it still seeps through the paper on the 4th-5th wipe then you got yourself diarrhoea mate. You can of course to the finer test. A quick swiper down below then a little sniff. Judge by the potency whether its a "Yep this shit is done" or "Holy shit I've still got one hanging out".