Refund Request

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Parts Unknown
Your in-game name: Matsumoto Yamato

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:21517468

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because as far as I'm concerned, two large cocaine plants give more than just 11 damn drugs and this is obviously the result of some sort of bug.

Notes: In the video, we can see that both plants were picked when ready. However, the first plant yields only three drugs and the second only gives a mere 8. It can been seen in the top left of the screen that an error message is visible, lending me credibility in that this is a bug.

This also happened with two of my large weed plants, but did not capture this in my recordings.


Tick: N/A
There's no way that that is right, it must be some kind of weird bug - However, the cocaine is random so it could go either way. I've never seen it so low, however you are right with the script error in the corner.

I got Fredy to look at this, to see if he knew what it was and hopefuly he'll fix this in the future.
However, if you'd upload a demo as extra evidence for Swiper to deal with this.

You have my support, eitherway - Aslong as you upload the demo.
This happened to everyone some days ago when the drugs where broken. I got 6 weed from 3 pots.
I have the demo, but have no knowledge on how to get it to you fellows. I thought video evidence would be enough.
[DOUBLEPOST=1435745867,1435680686][/DOUBLEPOST]Problem has been resolved. Got my drugs back when I rejoined.
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