Server Crash 16/10/2015 - resolved

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Reaction score
Your in-game name: George Schurr

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:94791413

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I would like my 4 large pots, 10 weed seeds, and 10 coke seeds refunded because there was a Server Crash at 16/10/2015 at about 2:00 PM (GMT) some people said that the server was being Iddosed ( IDK what that means) which cause some people to crash and I was one of them. I also posted in the Shout Box that the server was lagging and we needed help. @Madda joined the server soon when the server was still lagging you could also ask him about it.


Is this enough evidence?
Tick: N/A

( VERY IMPORTANT!!) I messed up with the dates it was at 16/10/2015 although im not really sure at what time it was but it was around that timing^. @Ash
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Check your demos that were recorded that day and upload the right one, if no evidence then this wont get accepted mate.
Your in-game name: George Schurr

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:94791413

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I would like my 4 large pots, 10 weed seeds, and 10 coke seeds refunded because there was a Server Crash at 16/10/2015 at about 2:00 PM (GMT) some people said that the server was being Iddosed ( IDK what that means) which cause some people to crash and I was one of them. I also posted in the Shout Box that the server was lagging and we needed help. @Madda joined the server soon when the server was still lagging you could also ask him about it.
LMAO Sorry I got the date wrong on the title its supposed to be 16/10/2015. I can already see all these dumb ratings.
Evidence: N/A I do not have any evidence although you can ask other people who were on at that time.

Tick: N/A
Your pots and seeds should be in you storage chest. However if not all the players crashed then you need to upload a demo and check your storage chest.



Firstly which date did this happen and secondly on both dates you didn't disconnect from the server at 2pm. Please get your details right and upload a demo to prove the server really did crash, thanks.
The server was being DDoS'd and most players crashed due the timeout limit. i had it set to 300 so i wasnt dc'ing.

However i do know that @Madda and @StephenPuffs can confirm there was a DDoS

He has set the date wrong. it happened on the 16th. (today)

There was a lot of time outs around that point in time and the server was DDOS'ed so contact senior administration in game for your refund.
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