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Topic: Investigation notes
(Try to read the whole page before you get started on 'nobody is doing investigations')

Short explanation (in notes):
-Give police officers a tool that makes short notes eg. during an investigation
-These notes can be signed by individuals, ie. they state what's in there in a written form.
-These notes should/might be stored on the server (unlike the phone notes) for a time that's based on the number of people who've signed it, and could be accessed at the PD.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
So, recently I've been doing quite a lot of investigations as a police officer, and I usually took notes in my phone when I had to. It was working well, interrogations, verdicts were easy to make, and explaining a situation was simple.
But now, two times already, I came across a fake witness. People would state (preferably over mic) something that's not true, and when brought to questioning they have a different allegation. This is incredibly awkward to have someone in custody for admitting a murder, then minutes later when being questioned by a Lt. he says I am lying.

Technical stuff
-The note should be written by an officer (preferably with a swep), and should contain a limited number of characters to avoid flooding the server.
-It should be only stored after at least one person (other than the officer) have signed it.
-The entire note should consist of: [date/time] [officer] [statement] [signatures]

This tool could make verdicts and interrogations much more real-world like without forcing anyone to change their previous way of RP.

Optional additions:
-Additionally, this could be extended to all players, so police officers could make investigation documents, whereas citizens should be allowed to write contracts, whatsoever - for trading agreements, etc. [citizen-made notes should be kept at the City Hall, and citizens might pay an extra fee for storing it (on the server)]
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Meh, not really needed as we have the phone. How would it be any different adding this?
The whole point of these is not to store information, but to (by a server function) have players click on a 'sign' button, and have their names ICly and OOCly on the document:

2015.12.28 - Sgt. Eciffo Firesh

At 2015.12.28 21:15, a citizen named Bead Gouj attempted to attack Gud Pearson with a knife with the intention to kill him.

Signed by Sgt. Eciffo Firesh, Bead Gouj, Gud Pearson

This would mean that Sergeant Eciffo, Bead Gouj and Gud Pearson are all agreeing with what's stated on the paper (everything not bald is written by the officer himself). It is not to have something to refer to, it should be a gameplay mechanism to have a given statement proven by someone.
Notes that you can give to people that is what he is trying to say you cant do that on a phone.

I admit it is a good idea being able to take notes that you can give to other officers but it could just be fixed by giving phones the ability to send notes to other phones.
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