Recent content by 4894+

  1. 4894+

    Refund Request (Pieter)

    Your Steam Name: Pieter Your Roleplay Name: Torgue Flexingtonb Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23921311 Reason for Request: Value lost due to a rulebreak Requested Items: Tier 1 Wreck Repair Price: $27,600 lambo mp5k with stock, mag + rds and suppressor Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff...
  2. 4894+

    Lua Bug Report (Ghost fish in inventory)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Ghost fish in inventory How to reproduce the Bug: n/a Time Stamp: n/a Errors: When trying to drop fish I get the following error: [ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/inventorygui/inventorywheel/inventorywheel_mousehandler.lua:50...
  3. 4894+

    Content Bug Report (M24 shows unloaded when selling)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: M24 shows unloaded when selling How to reproduce the Bug: Load up an m24 and try selling it. It'll show it's unloaded even tho 5 rounds are in it. Time Stamp: 10:00 AM Errors: none Media...
  4. 4894+

    Refund Request (Pieter)

    Your Steam Name: Pieter Your Roleplay Name: Torgue Flexington Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23921311 Reason for Request: Lost my gun due to a rulebreak Requested Items: MP9 with loaded x30 mag, 9x19 suppressor, stock and holo compact sight Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff...
  5. 4894+

    Refund Request (Pieter)

    Your Steam Name: Pieter Your Roleplay Name: Torgue Flexington Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23921311 Reason for Request: Lost my gun due to RDM Requested Items: mp9 + comp, stock, pistol reflex sight and 30 round mag Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: Racxes
  6. 4894+

    Refund Request (Pieter)

    Your Steam Name: Pieter Your Roleplay Name: Torgue Flexington Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23921311 Reason for Request: Lost both guns due to a rulebreak. Requested Items: mp9 with comp, stock, loaded x30 mag and pistol reflex sight + hk45 with no mag, 11.43 silencer and pistol reflex sight...
  7. 4894+

    Refund Request (Pieter)

    Your Steam Name: Pieter Your Roleplay Name: Torgue Flexington Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23921311 Reason for Request: 2 new players were driving on the wrong side of the road causing a crash and tiering my car. Requested Items: 25600$ Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff...
  8. 4894+

    Server Suggestion Changing max shops owned by org

    Suggestion Title: Changing max shops owned by org Suggestion Description: Currently there's a max on having 4 shops within the org. Does not matter what shop it is. Why should this be added?: - Sometimes I'd like to be able to buy a non bazaar shop but still run into the limit of 4 shops...
  9. 4894+

    Refund Request (Pieter)

    Your Steam Name: Pieter Your Roleplay Name: Torgue Flexington Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23921311 Reason for Request: A sweater started randomly punching me and after taking him out someone not involved shot me down Requested Items: 1x Desert Eagle with mag Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff...
  10. 4894+

    Refund Request (Pieter)

    Your Steam Name: Pieter Your Roleplay Name: Torgue Flexington Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:117160033 Reason for Request: Cop stole 20k and ran off, after filing an action request user has been banned. Requested Items: 20000$ Evidence Type: Action Request Evidence Link...
  11. 4894+

    Action Request (LITTLEEVI)

    I'm not really sure what an IA is
  12. 4894+

    Action Request (LITTLEEVI)

    Your Steam Name: Pieter Your Roleplay Name: Torgue Flexington Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:117160033 Player's Steam Name: LITTLEEVI Player's Roleplay Name: Jack Knockers Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:581086406 Why should this player be punished?: After completing a gun order for John Riddle...