Recent content by aeo

  1. 36 hours of real footage

  3. Server Performance p2
  4. Car texture all messed up

    sorry for late reply but you have to set your model details to high in the settings menu!!!!!
  5. RXSM

    I'd like to recommend @rxsm for his great help to me and count-less others outside of the RP server!:oops: He's helped me create a montage as well as helping me ingame with ingame mechanics as well as I'm assuming helping many others.:oldman: @A1L 0:19
  6. shit staff

    shit staff
  7. Walnash

    I'll still hit
  8. Refund Request (aeo)

    Your Steam Name: aeo Your Roleplay Name: Rai Dooley Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:123231623 Reason for Request: A very mean sweater decides to run me over with his mini cooper, causing me to lose my precious Requested Items: 1x AK-47, Rifle comp Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member...
  9. sexy ass mf

    sexy ass mf
  10. Server Suggestion Perpheads US based Server

    Banned players dont have any say in anything !!! go back to ur hole
  11. Server Suggestion Perpheads US based Server

    Arent you banned?
  12. Server Suggestion Perpheads US based Server
  13. bro was flabbergasted

    bro was flabbergasted
  14. Refund Request (snd)

    Your Steam Name: snd Your Roleplay Name: Rai Dooley Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:123231623 Reason for Request: An officer decided to shoot me for no apparent reason at subs storage as I pulled out a gun. Requested Items: 1x SCAR-L, Red dot sight and rifle comp Evidence Type: Authorised by...
  15. Drunk Murder

    1:35 :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: