Recent content by Asylum Seeking Missile

  1. Asylum Seeking Missile

    The Rise and Fall of PERPHeads

    Big up the opening seconds - I'm famous! Samuel Monckton boys ;)
  2. Asylum Seeking Missile

    Uhm, yes.

    Uhm, yes.
  3. Asylum Seeking Missile

    My introduction.

    You'll get it when you're actually useful.
  4. Asylum Seeking Missile

    My introduction.

    I would, but I'm poor, and if I use Glacial's P1, then its basically free and I get to run people over.
  5. Asylum Seeking Missile

    24 Hour raid prevention.

    Because if you did you know I'd chase you down with my 1968 mini cooper and pop you with my Taurus.
  6. Asylum Seeking Missile

    24 Hour raid prevention.

    You never gatted me as a sweater, but then again I was basing with you for some parts.
  7. Asylum Seeking Missile

    My introduction.

    Should we hit him with the P1 through the bank window?
  8. Asylum Seeking Missile

    My introduction.

    Feel free to try.
  9. Asylum Seeking Missile

    My introduction.

    Now then, that there post has been locked and one cannot reply to a locked post, step up your game Creepis or you'll be doing double time.
  10. Asylum Seeking Missile

    My introduction.

    Can't be having that, no sir, leave my boy alone.
  11. Asylum Seeking Missile

    My introduction.

    You walk with a waddle and you look like Abu Hamzah, fuck up buttercup.
  12. Asylum Seeking Missile

    My introduction.

    Why would I give you my time of day, you hardly reply to my texts or craft shit for me I need.
  13. Asylum Seeking Missile

    What’s your opinion on Curvy, thick or chubby girls.

    Your opinion and all but I agree they shouldn't be too big, like optimum for me is a standard 34DD Some women carry round like HH cups and you must feel sorry for their back...