Recent content by b.flemming29

  1. b.flemming29

    Yeah she’s 1 now, it’s cool, hard but cool

    Yeah she’s 1 now, it’s cool, hard but cool
  2. b.flemming29

    Randomly remembered this thing

    Randomly remembered this thing
  3. b.flemming29


  4. b.flemming29

    am I alive?

    am I alive?
  5. b.flemming29

    Yes but I've got a broken hand so I can't at the moment

    Yes but I've got a broken hand so I can't at the moment
  6. b.flemming29

    Return of the Jenson?

    Hello all, only gonna make it a quick post, I today returned from a much needed break from the server. This break had no time limit I was simply going to come back when I felt I should hence why I did not make a goodbye post saying I was going. Looking forward to getting killed a shit ton on the...
  7. b.flemming29

    Im alive and coming back.

    Im alive and coming back.
  8. b.flemming29

    Describe PERP in one word.

  9. b.flemming29

    I'm Coming back tonight, I took a break

    I'm Coming back tonight, I took a break
  10. b.flemming29

    1 man

    1 man
  11. b.flemming29


  12. b.flemming29

    I'm sorry okay, things just keep popping up

    I'm sorry okay, things just keep popping up
  13. b.flemming29

    Hahahaha, I'll be on tonight

    Hahahaha, I'll be on tonight
  14. b.flemming29

    i think you are the most handsome man ever

    i think you are the most handsome man ever
  15. b.flemming29

    I will

    I will