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  1. b.flemming29

    Yeah she’s 1 now, it’s cool, hard but cool

    Yeah she’s 1 now, it’s cool, hard but cool
  2. b.flemming29

    Randomly remembered this thing

    Randomly remembered this thing
  3. b.flemming29


  4. b.flemming29

    am I alive?

    am I alive?
  5. b.flemming29

    Yes but I've got a broken hand so I can't at the moment

    Yes but I've got a broken hand so I can't at the moment
  6. b.flemming29

    Return of the Jenson?

    Hello all, only gonna make it a quick post, I today returned from a much needed break from the server. This break had no time limit I was simply going to come back when I felt I should hence why I did not make a goodbye post saying I was going. Looking forward to getting killed a shit ton on the...
  7. b.flemming29

    Im alive and coming back.

    Im alive and coming back.
  8. b.flemming29

    Describe PERP in one word.

  9. b.flemming29

    I'm Coming back tonight, I took a break

    I'm Coming back tonight, I took a break
  10. b.flemming29

    1 man

    1 man
  11. b.flemming29


  12. b.flemming29

    I'm sorry okay, things just keep popping up

    I'm sorry okay, things just keep popping up
  13. b.flemming29

    Hahahaha, I'll be on tonight

    Hahahaha, I'll be on tonight
  14. b.flemming29

    i think you are the most handsome man ever

    i think you are the most handsome man ever
  15. b.flemming29

    I will

    I will
  16. b.flemming29


  17. b.flemming29

    Post when you nearly caused damage to yourself or did.

    Drunk, Aiya Napa, 2017, Fell down concrete steps, broke collar bone
  18. b.flemming29

    Oh my word

    Oh my word
  19. b.flemming29


    I used to have this issue, launching as administrator worked every time.
  20. b.flemming29

    Lag Spikes

    The lag spikes within GMOD servers are quite common across most servers, Perp do have quite a bit of host sided issues but they are normally fixed quickly, this might be something client sided, could be something to do with your router, do you play wired or wireless? Also if your internet is...
  21. b.flemming29

    [Discussion] Org beef

    I am with daymon, I am all for org beef, it makes things more fun, however when people go ooc to discuss who won or have an excuse for why they died it just becomes toxic and it's not needed, when I die, I still enjoy it because shootouts are always fun, enjoy the wins and losses kids, It's just...
  22. b.flemming29


    Bank Holiday Sesh
  23. b.flemming29


  24. b.flemming29

    Tattoos and piercings

    I don't really care too much for the piercings so I wont comment on that. However I think tattoos would be a cool thing to add, even just some generic ones like a dragon on the arm, maybe a tear next to the eye, basically ones that you would see quite a lot in real life.
  25. b.flemming29

    A long time ago in perp

    My interview for Jarheads was the best thing ever, things like this are so fun.
  26. b.flemming29


    The ting goes scccccrrrrrrrr pal, and a pum pum pap
  27. b.flemming29

    Captain Sheppard

    Well, this is different. I love Samuel.
  28. b.flemming29

    Cody Garrett Police Officer

    Cody is a great officer but a bad driver. Make him captain of RTU. XD
  29. b.flemming29

    The real reason "perp is dying"

    Get at @Exrobite for a mad defender, can take out Olsen with a machete
  30. b.flemming29

    A quick heads-up

    Have fun in Iceland, it's such a cool place.