Recent content by Cacox1906

  1. Cacox1906

    Car Help

    Yes I did get blacklisted :(
  2. Cacox1906

    Car Help

    Thank you to everyone for their quick replies and good suggestions. I think I have decided to get the Porsche Cayenne Turbo 2012 as its 5 trunks, and good stock speed at its price seems like the best bang for buck :cool:
  3. Cacox1906

    Car Help

    Many of you know me as Putin or Karol Capley. I am looking to upgrade from my Mercedes SL65 AMG to a more of a raiding car. I frequently run into the problem where I don't have enough trunk space to take all the guns from a raid. Which car should I invest in that's got good speed so I can chase...
  4. Cacox1906

    Refund Request (karolek)

  5. Cacox1906

    Refund Request (karolek)

    Your Steam Name: karolek Your Roleplay Name: Karol Capley Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:97482470 Reason for Request: F6 Requested Items: 1x AK-74U , 1x AK-74U stock, 1x AK-74U Magazine Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: Ethan
  6. Cacox1906

    ar on whoever these 2 clowns are

    You literally didnt even comply with us for 10mins straight. And then you just started to walk away even after GP. You broke 3.4 for a solid 10mins. Even if I broke rules im pointing this out,
  7. Cacox1906

    -=Ironside Applications=-

    -=IronSide Crafting Co.=- Application. Your Steam/In-game Name: Immigrant ツ / Karol Capley Skills: Not autistic in situations, good with dealing with cops, 'Good Aim', Up for anything Why Should we consider you?: Because i'm very active , wanting to get that money and my org right now is ass...
  8. Cacox1906

    Whats wrong with being an Immigrant

    Whats wrong with being an Immigrant
  9. Cacox1906

    Paralake Special Forces

    I was the first person to make a contract. Good service and no scammerino
  10. Cacox1906

    Frozen at 'Sending Client Info' screen...

    Already tried a week ago lmao @Jasperkel I just reset my PC fully and wiped drive and that. Just installing Gmod and CSS textures ( and other things u need such as AVG , discord etc). @Jasperkel It does
  11. Cacox1906

    Frozen at 'Sending Client Info' screen...

    D Didn’t work @DutchAero , I think I’m going to factory reset my PC.
  12. Cacox1906

    Frozen at 'Sending Client Info' screen...

    Rip PH for me then , I’ll fuck up badly. I’m not really good at that type of stuff. Talking about PH not working , other games such as CSGO ins't working aswell. Crashing randomly and just got a ban for it. I really don't know what to do... :/
  13. Cacox1906

    Frozen at 'Sending Client Info' screen...

    Can I have the link to all the adding? Thanks I have installed all the PH Addons that @Jessamy Hudson sent me the link to and deleted the download , downloads , downloadlist files as @DutchAero suggested. When I first tried joining I got in the server but haven't fully loaded in but what...
  14. Cacox1906

    Frozen at 'Sending Client Info' screen...

    I waited once 30mins after it froze and nothing still happened.
  15. Cacox1906

    Frozen at 'Sending Client Info' screen...

    For the whole yesterday and today PH hasn't worked one single bit. Everytime I try join I'm always frozen at the 'Sending Client Info' screen which leads to me restarting my PC. I tried verifying game cache and removing all demos. I think I removed all addons , I clicked 'Unsubscribe All' in...