Recent content by Cold Ina

  1. Cold Ina

    Refund Request (Cold Ina)

    Your Steam Name: Cold Ina Your Roleplay Name: David Pacheco Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:57973067 Reason for Request: Shot while making weapons in Bazzar shop. Requested Items: Colt M16A4 with stock and loaded mag Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Oddy
  2. Cold Ina

    Action Request (Cold Ina)

    I was driving to my house and I think my house was getting robbed, so I was defending my property.
  3. Cold Ina

    Ban Apology (Bolli)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Bolli How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent Your Steam Name: Cold Ina Your Roleplay Name: Cold Ina Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:57973067 Why were you...
  4. Cold Ina

    AR on Cold Ina and Jamie Leigh

    You are constantly trying to attack us for whatever reason, you're reporting now because we reported you. When peepee reported you there was a discussion in OOC, this is the uncropped version. The "prove it?" by peepee is in reference to the videos in the OP. Now if you don't see how this is...
  5. Cold Ina

    AR on Cold Ina and Jamie Leigh

    It was the person making the ban request, stop derailing the thread.
  6. Cold Ina

    AR on Cold Ina and Jamie Leigh

    This was the second day we have played on the server and I didn't break any rule at all. I lost connection and the admins can look back in the logs to see that I lose connection about once every hour. As for my friend, he was a new player and complying to everything you told him that he knew...