Recent content by Deadlyron

  1. Deadlyron

    The Penose

    En Peter R. de Vries dan?
  2. Deadlyron

    Please, like me now

    Please, like me now
  3. Deadlyron

    [Discussion] Law 3.7 and City Garage employees

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: This thread is meant, in the first place, as a discussion about the execution of this law. Secondly, I wish to change the order of wording in the law itself. - This is in no way an assault to the RP-situation and the following admin sit with...
  4. Deadlyron

    Bank Robbery Overhaul | The Suggestion

    I love this idea, but just two points I want to get out there! I am just wondering, how do you see the money and aftermath develop? Furthermore, I'd always have some savings in the bank. Just like a normal bank would. If the city funds are at $3000, any decent bank (except Italians) will have...
  5. Deadlyron

    Scream for Attention! :)

    absolutely not a scam, its just an ordinary facebook link as you can see... Neither is the competition; legit website!
  6. Deadlyron

    Scream for Attention! :)

    Hi guys, Sooooo.... Since I have been an active member of the community a good while back, I am trying to win something on Facebook. No, I am not some desperate dude who is liking and sharing everything, but when I saw this action I just had to try it. And things are going my way, however...
  7. Deadlyron

    Changes to Sirens.

    Topic: Changes to Sirens. Short explanation (in notes): Ambulance: - - The secondary (or whail) is not a very good one to use as a 'horn'. - I would make it like the police sirens they are now, but you can deviate it a bit so people can still hear a distinction. Fire truck: - Secondary is...
  8. Deadlyron

    Ban Request on Eddie aka Eddie Stallone

    I was the one behind the one-way glass and witnessed the entire interrogation together with @Dinkleberg. From the get go you were complaining. Talking in LOOC that you had to leave and had to go, but stalled during the entire interrogation and all the way afterwards. You were stalling all the...
  9. Deadlyron

    SWAT Van Skin

    Looks pretty similar to me!
  10. Deadlyron

    Giveaway time!

    You may keep 'em, except Ship Sim, but Ayjay already got it :(
  11. Deadlyron

    ArmA 3

    gift me arma 3 pls
  12. Deadlyron

    Warning Request On Brick Breeland

    Although I see what he did wrong there, I feel like the time at the church you could have RP'ed it out, just like he says. Everything you said LOOC could have been done In Character, and you would have given him a small jail time for it. He was reasonable, complimented you and explained his...
  13. Deadlyron

    Everyone's a pacifist between wars. It's like being a vegetarian between meals.

    Everyone's a pacifist between wars. It's like being a vegetarian between meals.
  14. Deadlyron

    War and Violence must be the last resort.

    War and Violence must be the last resort.