Recent content by DeltaForce

  1. DeltaForce

    End of The Line

    Maybe some day, maybe some day.
  2. DeltaForce

    End of The Line

    I guess it's finally time huh? After almost spending 5 years of my life dedicated to the PERP it seems that the end of my time is on the rise. On the 2nd Oct 2015, I joined this lovely community, following that I became a part of the PLPD on the 3rd of July, 2016 and by the end of the same...
  3. DeltaForce

    Jackbox party pack 5

    Anyone up for some Jackbox Party Pack 5? I'll be hosting it via discord my username is James Mcain#8097 There are 7 slots left!
  4. DeltaForce

    Leaving for a while.

    Hey, It's been a long ride eh? I've seen my fair and square things in both on PERP, and in the PLPD. But now it's time looking for a change. I've almost served 2 years with the PLPD almost without any incidents. But I'm starting to loose interest in both the PLPD and on PERP, the job of a police...
  5. DeltaForce


  6. DeltaForce

    The DOs and DON'Ts of perp for new lads

    Don't worry my friend, your not the only one who went through those things -_-
  7. DeltaForce

    AR on Venom

    pfft please spare us from the ten toes crap. First of all you were getting a ticket not being arrested, and second of all maybe you should try to run away before attempting to kill us(as the ruin the whole point of the "Ten toes meaning).
  8. DeltaForce

    AR on Venom

    How would you have felt if I shot you for no reason huh? I'll just walk straight up to your face and kill you because I want to. That's not how the world works bud, there's rules for a reason. Either you follow them or stop playing perp, because that statement is the most stupidest and the most...
  9. DeltaForce

    Update Log - 02/05/2018

    I never said anything about realism I just stated the facts that the G3A3 has a very low chance of even getting through it or even deliver enough damage to disable it.
  10. DeltaForce

    Update Log - 02/05/2018

    After reading through the large amount of replies, (Now I'm just throwing in my 2 cents. So please don't bomb rush me with some kind of crap), I started to notice that people was talking about the G3A3 with it (SHOOTS SNIPER ROUNDS IT SHOULD GO THROUGHT IT) being able to penetrate the S.W.A.T...
  11. DeltaForce

    Daily basis (sometimes)

    My life is complete now! new provider :3
  12. DeltaForce

    Need some wifi router antennas

    After @Jericho made a pretty good description of where I could live, Bad jokes asided I would still say it's close to what I live in (except it's a farm with some okay furniture so not entirely no true). And right now I'm lost for options. Well not entirely lost for options I only have 3(ish)...
  13. DeltaForce

    Need some wifi router antennas

    Yes I'm here again asking for a suggestion I'm currently looking for some wifi router antennas to those who don't know what I'm talking about its this one right now price does not matter so please suggest and great antennas
  14. DeltaForce

    Pumpkins / Jack o'lanterns

    as he said above^^^^ make sure you delete the Gmad files before reinstalling the addons these gmad files are located in GarrysMod/garrysmod/addon search for perp via the search function and delete all the content
  15. DeltaForce

    The Forgotten Day of Perpheads

    I think @Cole had some pictures