Recent content by Domioon

  1. Domioon


  2. Domioon


  3. Domioon


  4. Domioon

    Hi im new!

  5. Domioon

    Extortion Season

    Very nice vid. Those weapon skins are sick!
  6. Domioon

    Server Suggestion Ford raptor on spin the wheel

    Suggestion Title: Ford raptor on spin the wheel Suggestion Description: Make the Ford raptor obtainable by Spin the wheel but make it rare like tricycle. Why should this be added?: I think a lot of the players would love a chance of being able to obtain this useful and cool looking car...
  7. Domioon

    Refund Request (Domioon)

    Your Steam Name: Domioon Your Roleplay Name: Martin Miller Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:139880045 Reason for Request: I lost money and weapons in attempt of buying 2019 holiday doll Requested Items: $690.000, 3x Scar-l, 3x Compensator, 3x Red dot sight, 3x stanag 30 mag 3x scar-l stock...
  8. Domioon

    Police Suggestion Water supply, ladders and fire hydrant maintenance

    Yes please give fire department more content to play with!
  9. Domioon

    Server Suggestion Job leaderboard xp view

    Suggestion Title: Job leaderboard xp view Suggestion Description: Show the amount of XP a person has for the top players of EMS and FD Paramedic supervisor and above for EMS. Watch manager and above for FD. Why should this be added?: -I think it adds more competitiveness to the top players...
  10. Domioon

    SUper Duper Funny Youtube Video

    Annoying the cops +1 Nice video!
  11. Domioon

    What gun

    AK-101 The best for sure
  12. Domioon

    Model Suggestion Crocs

    +1 Yes please
  13. Domioon

    Current favourite songs V2 [OFFICIAL]

    Has to be this one, iykyk
  14. Domioon

    Hi perp

  15. Domioon

    Server Suggestion Shared EMS xp

    If its not already a thing it could be a great addition, especially for newer EMS.