Police Suggestion Water supply, ladders and fire hydrant maintenance

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Suggestion Title:
- Water supply, ladders and fire hydrant maintenance.

Suggestion Description:
- Fire trucks should no longer have infinite water supply, and fire hydrants should be used to refill the water tank - Exactly the same system as with the fuel on vehicles. The fire hydrants could also be maintained as another passive-roleplay activity for firefighters.

The fire truck should contain enough water to fight the equivalent of 1½ big fires.

The fire truck should then be refilled by parking near a fire hydrant, press E on the fire hydrant and then choose the fire truck in the menu. Before the fire hydrant is operational, it should be maintained with a tool, that should be added to the firefighter's equipment menu.

The amount of water should only be visible on a "barometer" next to the speedometer when seated inside of the fire truck on the driver seat.

A small amount of $ and XP should be given to the firefighter, who maintained the fire hydrant. There could be a timer on the fire hydrants to avoid "money/XP-farming".

We often encounter fires that are out of reach from ground level. I remember that ladder-props existed when I played PERP in Evocity. Those ladders should only be spawnable by certain firefighters.

Why should this be added?:
- It's a fact, that Paralake Fire Department has been neglected for MANY years. However, Martin Miller and I would like to suggest something, that would improve on the overall experience of firefighters by adding a bit more realism to the job.

What negatives could this have?:
- Possibly none other than PLPD feeling neglected for once.

What problem would this suggestion solve?:
- It's unrealistic to have unlimited water supply when fighting a fire. It's unrealistic not to have any kind of ladder in a modern fire department. Therefore it would add a new "tactical" aspect to the firefighters on scene which would improve the realism.


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The hose could be as easy as a rope joint between hydrant and truck and water supply is just a how many hoses in an area tick down the water level on the truck, wrench tool would be nice to fix dead hydrants that spray water, ladder idk tho.

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