Recent content by DutchyRobin

  1. DutchyRobin

    EDL - Applications

    Name: Robin Jansen. Age: 16. Money: enough. Cars: Scion FRS. Guns: Rifles and pistols. Are you a sweater? YES. Additional Information: The org I was in disbanded and some of my friends are in this org so I would like to join you guys!
  2. DutchyRobin

    Summer Giveaway - 325K !!!

    Name:Robin Number: 31
  3. DutchyRobin

    Meddo Henderson - meddokill

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Robin Jansen / Robin His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Meddo Henderson / meddokill His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:438611865 Evidence: Why Should This Player Be Punished?: 2.1 Play Realistically 3.3 Realistic...
  4. DutchyRobin

    Ross Industries - Applications

    OOC Steam name: Robin Age:16 Time played on server: 28 days 6 hours IC Name: Robin Jansen Phone number: 3694909 Transportation: Scion FRS Cash: 1.1 mil Firearms: 30 (working on it) Marksmanship: Pistol 8 - Smg - 2 Rifle - 6 (Will work on it after I buy my new car) Arsenal: m16's, shotguns...
  5. DutchyRobin

    CGgames 2.1 3.3 5.4

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Robin / Robin Jansen His/Her Steam/In-game Name: GCgames / Katchin Yeager His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:43255093 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.1, 3.3, 5.4 He left me little to no time to unboot the vehicle, which in real life would take up around 3 minutes...
  6. DutchyRobin

    Casual Day on Perp

    I’m Robin Jansen and this video is my POV of the situation: To make my defense easier to follow, I’ll use the timestamps of the video 00m14s Here we see Bob Bobov pulling his weapon outside of the shop. Let’s take rule 5.1 Mugging, it...
  7. DutchyRobin

    The Growing Power Applications [Closed]

    Steam Name/SteamID: DutchyRobin STEAM_0:0:89675285 IC Name: Robin Jansen IC Age: 19 Tell us about your IC persona?: I'm a guy that likes to help his group/friends. I can always help them out with every type of thing, like when they are in trouble I'm always free to help them out. Firearm level...
  8. DutchyRobin

    Robin Jansen Ban Request

    Look, I didn't actually mean to push him of, I just wanted to scare him a little. You can clearly see he stopped the youtube video after I ran to my car. This isn't the end of the story. I actually went screaming to my car, because I was frightened and at the same time caring. I took my blue car...
  9. DutchyRobin

    Commonwealth Applications:

    OOC Info: Name: Robin Age:14 Country:Netherlands Time-zone:GMT +1 Do you have a microphone?:Yes How active are you on the server?:I can't stop playing Steam Name (Optional): DutchyRobin IC Info: Name:Robin Jansen Age:21 Country:England Firearms skill:8 (working on a higher level) What car do...