Recent content by Hargut

  1. Hargut

    New Police Shotgun - The Suggestion

    the police need to get some love after u added in some real stronK guns for civs. As Officer, u easily get 1 or 2 shotted now with this new revolvers. And they can pull em out of nowhere, they are way to cheap as well (no magazine) and try to shoot somsone with ur baretta when they got a...
  2. Hargut

    would push him intro the road again 10/10

    would push him intro the road again 10/10
  3. Hargut


  4. Hargut

    I have resigned.

    seemed like a nice guy, sad u resign!
  5. Hargut

    wut, urs is teh ugly dog face pic, mine teh awesome one fin

    wut, urs is teh ugly dog face pic, mine teh awesome one fin
  6. Hargut

    AR on John Magnets

    he got handcuffed like 5 seconds before i shot him. So i cant see how u was handcuffed inside the apartment and everything, how do u get handcuffed again then. You was the one beeing salty about i shot u, after broke alot of rules as well.
  7. Hargut

    AR on John Magnets

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Brandon Heat / Hargut His/Her Steam/In-game Name: John Magnets His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:78329224 Why Should This Player Be Punished:John Magnets walked out of the apartment where the guys shot like the police officers before serval times. (also we was on a active...
  8. Hargut

    AR on Brandon Heat

    The other police officers told me, taht u killed the other police dude (the one who did it, drove a red mini). Also for ME it looked like u was aiming to me, to drive me over - on ur demo u couldnt see me till very late becaus u had a tree in front of u. I will provide my demo later as well...
  9. Hargut

    "Police Too OP"

    Like at the window, it was the moment when i arrived. I shot u there, and i was alone, i drove back after all the officers kinda died by going up stairs, to pick up the swat units, who just went in duty. and then we all together came back, and this 1 swat got rekt becaus he went in alone, out of...
  10. Hargut

    "Police Too OP"

    U know, we was only like 6 officers and 1 swat WHILE it happaned. When it happen, the mayor finally upgrade the slots. I was the only swat there, till finally we get some other swat dudes.
  11. Hargut

    Goodbye.. rip Slava Alikov

    see u in 6 month then, i remember u from bazaar, always sitting in the cars, looking for shop owner u can raid eh.
  12. Hargut

    Brandon Heat, hello dear sir!

    well, iam getting bullyed pretty often as well, like a grp of people just try everythign to fuck u up. Also i notice, that alot of people try to fuck u up when u play officer, no matter what. Like when i pull someone over, everyone closeby comes and have something to say and try to find a rule...
  13. Hargut

    Brandon Heat, hello dear sir!

    Hello guyz, I've been playing recently on this server - under the name "Brandon Heat", some already met me, some already hate me - and some will meet me. Iam fairly new to roleplay, so often iam pretty quit, since i often still feel a.. strange feeling while doing it. Iam playing as Officer...
  14. Hargut

    Scams profile pictures. Dont show him ur profile. Cant recommend!

    Scams profile pictures. Dont show him ur profile. Cant recommend!