Recent content by hitmandave

  1. hitmandave

    This is excessive.

    When the PLPD catch a High level criminal
  2. hitmandave

    Tyler Holland, Boris Petrov, Blake Nex, James Hold, AR

    Your Steam/In-game Name: hitmandavey His/Her Steam/In-game Name: I dunno but there roleplay names are, Tyler Holland, Boris Petrov, Blake Nex, James Hold His/Her SteamID: i don't know Why Should This Player Be Punished:3.4 they punched me for no reason in front of an NPC which can call the cops...
  3. hitmandave

    Paralakes Mini cooper squad has arrived at bazzar

    Paralakes Mini cooper squad has arrived at bazzar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. hitmandave

    11/04/17 Last event

  5. hitmandave

    Drug times and Profit

    Without Premium Min 11.1k 1 Batch - 40 minutes Max 20.25k 1 Batch - 40 minutes Min 22.2k 2 Batch's - 1 Hour 20 Mins Max 40.5k 2 Batch's - 1 Hour 20 Mins Min 33.3k 3 Batch's - 2 Hours Max 60.75k 3 Batch's - 2 Hours Min 44.4k 4 Batch's - 2 Hours 40 Mins Max 81k 4 Batch's - 2 Hours 40 Mins Min...
  6. hitmandave

    Jason Kile

    Jason kile is a very nice person he has helped many people more than you guys could comprehend, I have based with him and he has kept us safe and allowed us to gain money.
  7. hitmandave

    Dylan Larsen AR

    The video isn't working, you may need to fix this as there is no Evidence of the situation even occurring.
  8. hitmandave

    @Wotsit - 3.4 outside the PD.

    His or Her back was against you how could she or he notice the gun?
  9. hitmandave

    Cops and no admins online =

    Here is my demo.
  10. hitmandave

    AR 3.22/1.1 hitmandavey

    I don't record sorry it fill's up my so I stop the recording every time I join. But their is no real proof of me doing anything wrong but crashing in to him in my lag spike.
  11. hitmandave

    AR 3.22/1.1 hitmandavey

    I didn't run to be honest
  12. hitmandave

    AR 3.22/1.1 hitmandavey

    Okay I had an lag spike I can't control them sorry that I had one and caused an accident I called you an idiot yes breaking 1.1 because I was frustrated as much as you are. All I'm saying is I'm sorry and I was willing to pay for the damage