Recent content by Jamess

  1. Jamess

    10-07-2017 Update Log

    @Fredy how do I uninstall it?
  2. Jamess

    10-07-2017 Update Log

    Yep, the 11th time I have attempted to join the server and I keep crashing. Please fix!
  3. Jamess

    Illuminathan and Justin M

    I really would like to thank @Illuminathan and @Justin M for introducing me to this wonderful community. Before, I used to own my own community (that died rip me xdxd), but after I was introduced to this one, I have loved how serious, active and fun this server is. Thanks!
  4. Jamess


  5. Jamess


  6. Jamess


    Thank you so much, for that map. It really does come in handy! :)
  7. Jamess


    That's @Illuminathan . I'm kind of new here.
  8. Jamess


    Hey! I'm fairly new to the community (I was on a few months ago and I was introduced by @Justin M and my other friends @Illuminathan ), and so far, I'm loving the server. I will be on most days! P.s - my current RP name is ''Jimmy Nathan''.