Recent content by JoeyGames

  1. JoeyGames

    Im sorry , please dont bite me

    Im sorry , please dont bite me
  2. JoeyGames

    Im joking exrobite , dont bite me? get it cuz your profile pic is a dog?

    Im joking exrobite , dont bite me? get it cuz your profile pic is a dog?
  3. JoeyGames

    Congratulations on enforcer!!!

    Congratulations on enforcer!!!
  4. JoeyGames

    Lol rekt

    Lol rekt
  5. JoeyGames

    Happy Birthday , Have an awesome day!

    Happy Birthday , Have an awesome day!
  6. JoeyGames

    Deathmatch Queue server

    Also love the other idea someone else made , the bhopping idea , bhopping while shooting perp guns , bloody amazing!
  7. JoeyGames

    Best Car for 100k?

    Im saving up for a car rn , have like 16$ towards it so im pretty good on money , its 505k and goes about 65 stock speed , its the Nissan 370z
  8. JoeyGames

    Collier Fan Club Singing Session.

    MMMmmmmmm , Where's part 2?
  9. JoeyGames

    It's been good

    69 You've been an amazing admin Moron , hate you see you go however ... have a great life and enjoy your studies.
  10. JoeyGames

    Sound issues

    Try going to component services then services then find Windows Audio , from there press restart this service. If this helps , happens to me alot.
  11. JoeyGames

    AR Against Cameron Nicholson (Correct me if im wrong finlay)

    Close this AR please.
  12. JoeyGames

    AR Against Cameron Nicholson (Correct me if im wrong finlay)

    .......... sureeeeeee
  13. JoeyGames

    AR Against Cameron Nicholson (Correct me if im wrong finlay)

    Thank you for your knowledge of what happened.
  14. JoeyGames

    The Morrissey Family Applications

    Name IC/OOC: Johnny Ghost / JoeyGames Age: 13 Why do you want to join the family: I want to join the family because i want to know people that i fully trust and i can bring certain things to the org , i may not be the best defender but i can raid , i have never raided because im mostly a cop...
  15. JoeyGames

    AR Against Cameron Nicholson (Correct me if im wrong finlay)

    @finlay3110 if it isnt any trouble , maybe you can provide your demo.