Recent content by John1r

  1. John1r

    AR on John (John Bello)

    @|RC| Code Monkey First of all, your demo does not show or hear footsteps or anyone walking in. You were in the position waiting by the door for someone. Second of all, your perspective shows me not seeing you, where mine does. And even if I didn't see you, you put your friends life at risk.
  2. John1r

    AR on John (John Bello)

    Two things wrong with that, and Ill be happily able to provide my demo. First of all, I had full vision of you and saw the motion of you taking the weapon out, which means that you were in my sight. Second of all, the drugs were clearly finished because you submitted a demo of me collecting...
  3. John1r

    AR on John (John Bello)

    You justified you killing me for "mugging" when I wasn't even trying to mug you. And if I were trying to do that, I would have told you to put your hands up. Prior to that, instead of taking it to LOOC to discuss the roleplay situation, you decide to kill me. I had full on sight of you the...
  4. John1r

    RR @Dom

    @Dom_ Actually, I was involved because I made a refund request and reported the incident. Right after he was killed I was killed as well. So I have relevance to the situation.
  5. John1r

    RR @Dom

    @Dom_ You literally banned the guy for RDMING and you still want a demo to be provided. So either your ban is invalid or you're just giving the poor guy a hard time. Not trying to be rude either, it just doesn't make sense that you would ban someone and then make Kay provide a demo on it.
  6. John1r

    Refund Request @Dom - John

    Your in-game name: John Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:22570597 What do you need refunded: OTS - Pernach (Fully Loaded) Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I was RDMed in Projex Apartments, person apparently was raiding and I walked up the stairs without a weapon in my hand. I even said countless...
  7. John1r

    AR on Wiki

    Last time I checked you were breaking 1.1 for no apparent reason. And then when I called you out on your disrespectful behavior you were hitting me with a baseball bat, which is 2.5.
  8. John1r

    I like how you disliked my posts

    I like how you disliked my posts
  9. John1r

    AR on John Bello

    I believe it was either @McGlinchy or someone else, I cannot remember. Any administrators that were on at the time. I explained to him what I did, and why. The admin told me that what I did was very unnecessary, and that I should have reported it to an administrator if the person I shot was...
  10. John1r

    AR on John Bello

    I was already warned for doing that. An administrator told me not to do it again. And Im not doing it again, as you can see.