KaneBigRoss Jan 16, 2023 I had a crazy dream last night. I went around, smashing up all my furniture trying to get studs like I was in a Lego game. As for the dream, it was about flying around a city or something idk I couldn't really remember... Crazy night though.
I had a crazy dream last night. I went around, smashing up all my furniture trying to get studs like I was in a Lego game. As for the dream, it was about flying around a city or something idk I couldn't really remember... Crazy night though.
KaneBigRoss Jan 11, 2023 I can't be the only one to have impulsive thoughts about moving to the Himalayas and becoming a monk...
I can't be the only one to have impulsive thoughts about moving to the Himalayas and becoming a monk...