Recent content by Kevko

  1. Kevko

    Netherlands Vs England Prediction give away 100K

    Netherlands hopefully. 2:0
  2. Kevko

    Hi guys!

    Warn yourself for 2.4 please, thank you.
  3. Kevko

    Gone for a month

    I hope you enjoy Poland. :)
  4. Kevko

    Alles gute zum Geburtstag brudi :)

    Alles gute zum Geburtstag brudi :)
  5. Kevko

    Steam Game Recording [BETA]

    Steam just released a new built-in system for creating and sharing your gameplay footage. There is no more need for other software running in the background now. Read all about it >>>here<<< Scroll down to read on how to enable the Steam beta client. I thought a bunch of you might be interested...
  6. Kevko

    Kebab with ketchup

    Kebab Döner with garlic sauce and ayran *yummy*
  7. Kevko

    Goodbye - Perpheads

    I wish you all the best for your future! Much love bro!
  8. Kevko

    Bazaar store prices

    Damn lol. I mostly look at collectibles tbh, so I might be wrong then :)
  9. Kevko

    Bazaar store prices

    Remember that the taxes are now included in the shown prices. They mostly never went up since you left.
  10. Kevko

    Alles gute alter sack!

    Alles gute alter sack!
  11. Kevko

    Happy Birthday old man :)

    Happy Birthday old man :)
  12. Kevko

    hallo ich bin helga

    Welcome and enjoy your stay! :)
  13. Kevko

    How do you get your perp character in to be your forum profile pic

    I recommend taking a picture of your Character in front of a TV running a greenscreen, so you can easily remove the background and make it transparent.
  14. Kevko

    le bosh

    Cops were not ready for you^^ Nice song!
  15. Kevko

    Yea I saw that, it's insane. I'm not a huge BMW fan, but that thing flies! Can't wait to go to...

    Yea I saw that, it's insane. I'm not a huge BMW fan, but that thing flies! Can't wait to go to the Nordschleife again this summer <3