hallo ich bin helga

Reaction score
United Kingdom
hello! my name is helga. im new to gmod and new to perp.

so far iv met some great new people
iv only been playing for less than 1 month and already i found a new home to meet new people
im new to PC gaming and came from PS5 playing ruST

I Started chilling at the bazzar meeting and helping anyone who would take help.
i enjoy helping new people with the simple starter knowledge i know.

please treat me kind im probably the dumbest PC user on gmod rn haha
hello! my name is helga. im new to gmod and new to perp.

so far iv met some great new people
iv only been playing for less than 1 month and already i found a new home to meet new people
im new to PC gaming and came from PS5 playing ruST

I Started chilling at the bazzar meeting and helping anyone who would take help.
i enjoy helping new people with the simple starter knowledge i know.

please treat me kind im probably the dumbest PC user on gmod rn haha
Keep it up Helga, you could get far in this community. :)
hello! my name is helga. im new to gmod and new to perp.

so far iv met some great new people
iv only been playing for less than 1 month and already i found a new home to meet new people
im new to PC gaming and came from PS5 playing ruST

I Started chilling at the bazzar meeting and helping anyone who would take help.
i enjoy helping new people with the simple starter knowledge i know.

please treat me kind im probably the dumbest PC user on gmod rn haha
Just dont click the fake steam links and you will be fine! have fun
hi helga i met you while we were robbing regal apartments by the city hall. hope you didn't think its the actual police lockpicking the doors hehe
I have to reply again someone wasnt pleased that I replied to everyone individually...

I'm confused this was so long ago everyone randomly commenting now xD but thank you all
Idk how tf my shop is open
I miss you guys I will be back Saturday!!
hello! my name is helga. im new to gmod and new to perp.

so far iv met some great new people
iv only been playing for less than 1 month and already i found a new home to meet new people
im new to PC gaming and came from PS5 playing ruST

I Started chilling at the bazzar meeting and helping anyone who would take help.
i enjoy helping new people with the simple starter knowledge i know.

please treat me kind im probably the dumbest PC user on gmod rn haha
helga it been long