Recent content by LegendRF

  1. LegendRF

    Refund Request (Ak-101 Fully Loaded with comp and stock)

    Your Steam Name: LegendRF Your Roleplay Name: Natsumi Asao Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:82948729 What do you need refunded?: Ak-101 Fully Loaded with comp and stock Why should this request be considered?: a guy stored my gun while raiding...
  2. LegendRF

    Action Request (LegendRF)

    Jay Owen was the original person who ordered me to come to the door and argue with and the highest-ranking officer, neither did I hear stav since I was talking to jay Owen and giving more attention to him
  3. LegendRF

    Action Request (AnarchySpork)

    Your Steam Name: LegendRF Your Roleplay Name: Natsumi Asao Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:82948729 Player's Steam Name: AnarchySpork Player's Roleplay Name: Theodore Darlington Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:97141976 Why should this player be punished?: Callum broke 3.4, 2.5, 3.14 by Crashing...
  4. LegendRF


  5. LegendRF


  6. LegendRF


  7. LegendRF

    Change 5.3 Raiding

    just gonna turn on my esp to Assess my raid if its not 3.4 to raid brb
  8. LegendRF

    Police Suggestion Re-add mini sights to the patrol armoury

    AWM 1 shots civilians doesn't matter if you are good or not. tfu gets dropped by Reggis then the sad Reggie gets zerged by 4 tfu's bc he not in a big org that can help him. keep in mind that when you buff the PD it helps you against big orgs but people who raid with less than 4 dudes get fucked...
  9. LegendRF

    Police Suggestion Re-add mini sights to the patrol armoury

    yes, killed most of the tfu team then pushed out of slums to an awm sniper camping the entrance with 6 berretta officers btw talking about joining the server recently when you only comeback like 2 days ago sooo :|
  10. LegendRF

    Police Suggestion Re-add mini sights to the patrol armoury

    are you implying that every shootout ends with plpd loss and 5 people coming out with an as50. like please you got as50ed once or twice a week like chill 65%+ percent of raids and shootouts these days ends up with a plpd win, they don't need anymore buffs
  11. LegendRF

    Forcing someone to unlock a base door? Allowed or not?

    I guess if you don't want to get raided these days just leave the apartment before they drop a bomb and if they gunpoint you then report them :)
  12. LegendRF


  13. LegendRF


    @Piz it doesn't matter, Having gun on passive is like attack stance, Ashur was right there wasn't anyone on the stairs except him, the video shows the Detectors Directing player movement and the backdoor was Blocked so i think you are breaking the rules here