Recent content by Lelios1

  1. Lelios1


    I used to do swimming till I reached 18. Then I stopped due to university exams and never actually stack to it again because you need quite a few months to get to the level you used to be (cba). A few years ago I started ninjutsu and later judo, both of which I am still actively doing. I never...
  2. Lelios1

    Communication Ban Dispute (a1l+3izu)

  3. Lelios1

    @rogue being "a little" is the understatement of the century

    @rogue being "a little" is the understatement of the century
  4. Lelios1

    Server Suggestion Drug Quality

    Not related to the suggestion at all but I've seen a lot of people using this as a point, which I don't think is necessarily "valid". Not all devs are working 24/7 on v6, unless they are actively mapping, which are two of us and in general, just because there's a big update in the works doesn't...
  5. Lelios1

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    You were banned on October for the following reason: "User shot a player who wasn't visibly armed during a raid. When spoken to about it, he took no responsibility for his actions and was disrespectful in the report. After being informed that he is going to get banned, decided to RDM 2 players."...
  6. Lelios1


  7. Lelios1

    Server Suggestion Remove "delay" to do stuff after eating/healing

    Although it wouldn't practically change much gameplay wise, I feel like making the healing/eating interaction itself take a little longer and removing the invisible timer afterwards with no visible feedback, would be a good change. This way it wouldn't feel unnatural at least.
  8. Lelios1

    οοοο γεια σου και χαρα σου, χρονια και ζαμανια

    οοοο γεια σου και χαρα σου, χρονια και ζαμανια
  9. Lelios1


  10. Lelios1

    Bazaar Solutions

    nerf bombs
  11. Lelios1

    That will be 10 euros please

    That will be 10 euros please
  12. Lelios1

    Map Suggestion Working bowling and bowling alley

    Unfortunately not something that can fit in the map at the moment. Darts would be cool though. Maybe.
  13. Lelios1

    Server Suggestion Render Distance Slider

    Denied due to reasons above