Server Suggestion Drug Quality

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Suggestion Title: Drug Quality
Suggestion Description: skill of drug production is introduced. Drugs produced now will have a description that indicates the quality of the drug. Quality of percentage is consistent with the current prices of drugs as we know it:

Weed is still 150$
Cocaine is 150$
Meth is 250$

This says that's the price at 100% Quality.

100% Quality is achievable but rare unless you're max level on the skill. I will leave the numbers up to devs here but just to throw an idea out there to go off of as reference is the following:

0/5 Drug Production = 1%-25% Quality
1/5 Drug Production = 10%-30% Quality
2/5 Drug Production = 25%-50% Quality
3/5 Drug Production = 50%-75% Quality
4/5 Drug Production = 75%-100% Quality
5/5 Drug Production 99.1%-100% Quality

A small extra idea I've got is that Community Managers should think of running a server wide event if this is added for roleplaying scarcity in the market. Making it so that selling high quality drugs for a while after this is added, that the prices would be bumped $25 per gram due to the drought in the drug market for high quality product. This further incentivizes people to level up fast to capitalize on this mechanic fast before that incentive is gone.

Why should this be added?:
- Less people will raid new players because they know their drug quality is garbage, so more incentive to raid stronger bases for bigger risk more reward.
- Give more to grind for, especially for veteran players who have nothing else to go after.
- New players are less likely to be seen driving hypercars after min-maxing growing.
- Makes mugging and raiding more exciting, even confiscating a high quality batch because it all pays more if you catch a skilled producer.
- A dynamic drug market was already asked for, but this works to implement that while proving multiple other benefits to the game and the community aside from just fluctuating prices.

What negatives could this have?:
- Some people don't want to grind and just want to farm money.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Multiple
1) Some of us have nothing to grind for. We have cars, we have guns, max firearms whatever. This gives us a new reason to hop on and grind the game again.
2) Protects new players from people looking for an easy score on a newbie by making the reward less for less risk.
3) Makes mugging, confiscating and raiding more exciting as it scales the prize while still rewarding police the same but dynamically changing the reward for criminals to match the risk level taken.
Something very important to note is this makes it impossible / difficult to refund lost drugs which is the issue with the varying meth qualities via spawnmenu as is. Furthermore, your yields with anything already depends on the value of the equipment and resources you already use, adding this further complicates things for new players and adds a grind which artificially creates a divide, which was a massive problem before and subsequently isn’t something we’ve been making any changes to revert to.
I understand your points and they're totally valid. This is precisely why I specified that i was "throwing out an idea to go off of," I am communicating that the concept is up to the community to shape to what works and for the devs to consider if they want. It's not about it being remotely close to the concept listed underneath but something that provides a solution to the problems I listed.
Wouldn't this just make progression slower for a new player.
Yes for a old player who's got everything they want this could be fun for them but for new players I feel this would make progression harder and make newer players wanna leave
Wouldn't this just make progression slower for a new player.
Yes for a old player who's got everything they want this could be fun for them but for new players I feel this would make progression harder and make newer players wanna leave
For the sake of argument I can say three things on that

1) A new player is not going to be upset so much about this because they are new. Progressing in drug growth at first for them is about the experience more than the money, so the honeymoon phase will be over by the time they're pretty leveled
2) On the topic of being leveled, like any other skill, getting out of the 1st level or 2nd level is not gonna be hard. Take lockpicking for example, New players can still do Chop shop or raid and leveling up is super easy at first but getting 7/8 or 8/8 is where the grind is.
3) Furthermore, Because drug growing is a passive crime where you seed up and let it simmer, the leveling will be pretty easy as long as they occupy themselves with other things like leveling up firearms simultaneously or raiding while they shoot up in XP from just a few batches.
For the sake of argument I can say three things on that

1) A new player is not going to be upset so much about this because they are new. Progressing in drug growth at first for them is about the experience more than the money, so the honeymoon phase will be over by the time they're pretty leveled
2) On the topic of being leveled, like any other skill, getting out of the 1st level or 2nd level is not gonna be hard. Take lockpicking for example, New players can still do Chop shop or raid and leveling up is super easy at first but getting 7/8 or 8/8 is where the grind is.
3) Furthermore, Because drug growing is a passive crime where you seed up and let it simmer, the leveling will be pretty easy as long as they occupy themselves with other things like leveling up firearms simultaneously or raiding while they shoot up in XP from just a few batches.
Will there be 8 levels to the drugs?
Ultimately it's up to developers. I only gave 5 levels to go off of as a simple reference to help devs. The mention of 8 levels earlier was to make a point about lockpicking.
I mean I think if there is 5 levels and they aren't very hard to complete then this could be a good idea something extra as the server does get repetitive after your rich so this could add some extra things to do
I mean I think if there is 5 levels and they aren't very hard to complete then this could be a good idea something extra as the server does get repetitive after your rich so this could add some extra things to do
Absolutely man, Having nothing to grind for is really what makes players like me play less and less until we don't hop on the server at all cause we got nothing left to accomplish.
I think this is just unnecessary because the devs are already busy and with v6 coming i dont think its smart to add this
I think this is just unnecessary because the devs are already busy and with v6 coming i dont think its smart to add this
But players need more to do do they not? after you buy your fav car and get a high firearms level its boring there isnt much more to do I have thought about doing some suggestions before but I don't think people are open to adding new things most of the time
I think this is just unnecessary because the devs are already busy and with v6 coming i dont think its smart to add this
Not related to the suggestion at all but I've seen a lot of people using this as a point, which I don't think is necessarily "valid".
Not all devs are working 24/7 on v6, unless they are actively mapping, which are two of us and in general, just because there's a big update in the works doesn't mean that we should think negatively of smaller, in scale, suggestions just because they are minor. If the suggestion itself is good but was suggested at a "bad" time, it can always be worked on later.
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