Recent content by Mannerwaffel

  1. Mannerwaffel

    Police Officer Waffel nowadays ;)

    Police Officer Waffel nowadays ;)
  2. Mannerwaffel


    Cole du geile Sau ich wünsche dir alles Gute! Pass auf dich auf und bleib gesund, vielleicht sieht man sich ja einmal dienstlich irgendwo. Die besten kollegialen Grüße Paul (sry for the late post)
  3. Mannerwaffel

    Bei mir alles gut gewesen. War genau an dem Tag im Urlaub daheim.

    Bei mir alles gut gewesen. War genau an dem Tag im Urlaub daheim.
  4. Mannerwaffel

    Najo, eher a relikt aus oide zeiten in der community

    Najo, eher a relikt aus oide zeiten in der community
  5. Mannerwaffel

    Where you see yourself in 10 years

    @Creepis Ich mach mit @Cole einen bilateralen Polizeieinsatz
  6. Mannerwaffel

    Biggest lie ever but much love ;)

    Biggest lie ever but much love ;)
  7. Mannerwaffel

    Hey friends, I’m new here!

    @John Daymon of course district attorney ,sir
  8. Mannerwaffel

    Hey friends, I’m new here!

    @JARRE pls no, holiday is around the corner
  9. Mannerwaffel

    Hey friends, I’m new here!

    @ErmakDimon boy, I (sadly) left the Fire Brigade in 2017. I'm a police officer now.
  10. Mannerwaffel

    Hey friends, I’m new here!

    Haven't been shot or stabbed yet
  11. Mannerwaffel

    Hey friends, I’m new here!

    The Austrian fuzz was always here and never left ;)
  12. Mannerwaffel

    Hey friends, I’m new here!

    Stop Police, I need to impound your red Mercedes-Benz. ;)
  13. Mannerwaffel

    We know what you're doing (⌐■_■)

    We know what you're doing (⌐■_■)
  14. Mannerwaffel

    Dream job

    Appreciation for LEOs has pummeled even in Austria but I love my job and I would never trade it for anything else. You should follow your dreams and let people see how they CAN trust the law. Don't let action of some fools give up your dreams.
  15. Mannerwaffel

    Dream job

    Wanted to become a police officer like my father and uncle (my dad and my uncle were S.W.A.T., a.k.a. W.E.G.A. in Austria, officers and my uncle switched to the counter-terrorism force a.k.a. EKO Cobra in Austria) and 2 years ago I became a police officer myself. My goal is to join the W.E.G.A...