To think it’s been a year since the infamous shoenice sako under stairs video is madness. I don’t know what to get for this birthday honestly nothing can top that.
It’s a shame I have to work tomorrow because I’d love to get hammered again with you. Enough of my schizophrenic rambling. I love you Max mate be some sesh next year for the 18th
It’s 5:25 am and I am absoultely hammered liek, Fackin jus back from the nightclub and I gotta say. Max over the past 5 years has been one of my closest friends, as much as he is a cunt and a schizoid and a freaking evil bastard he’s been there on my best days and at my darkest hour (tomezoen day).
HOLD THE FRONT DOOR! You hold alt when you're trying to get anywhere on the map? YOU WEAR A SWEATER VEST AND NOT A SUIT?! You drive a supercar and not an old mercedes? YOU JAYWALK FROM CITY HALL TO PD? LUDICROUS, you're clearly not pushing the boundaries .
this is a SERIOUS raid conducted by PROFESSIONAL TOP FRAGGERS ( me and @ssssij )
as you can see this is me at my full top frag potential, this was intense gaming yet I DID NOT crack under the IMMENSE pressure of the situation and OWNED THE PLPD!