Recent content by MrAaron

  1. MrAaron

    What's the Next Car I Should Get?

    McLaren p1 for looks, Bugatti ss or 16.4 for the bants
  2. MrAaron

    Paralake V6 Development Update

    I’ll be back for v6
  3. MrAaron

    Rule Changes and 3.4 poll - 28/07/2024

    Allot of these new rules is which makes the game boring, loads of bombs is fun, being risky and putting pressure on other players to upset them is what makes the game as it creates war It just makes it boring having it predominately police based
  4. MrAaron

    PARALAKE V6 TRAILER / PERPheads 11 year anniversary

    Been here since 2013 would love to return just don’t know many people left
  5. MrAaron

    Cheers lad

    Cheers lad
  6. MrAaron

    Who’s got the most money and assetts

    Yeah good mate cheers just work 24/7 but living the real life I guess and @Aquaa so your saying I should come back to take on legion and WAR
  7. MrAaron

    Who’s got the most money and assetts

    Long time no see mate just try to stay active on here as can’t be bothered loading the computer up, keep meaning to do it but just never have time really haha, you okay
  8. MrAaron

    Who’s got the most money and assetts

    Who’s currently got the most money Assets And vehicles I’m still sat here with my Bugatti Ss Bugatti 16.4 gold McLaren p1 And a load of guns Half of you won’t even know me
  9. MrAaron

    Howdy pardner

    Welcome mate
  10. MrAaron

    2 Bugatti and p1 :(

    2 Bugatti and p1 :(
  11. MrAaron

    Spookiest admin sit spot

    Used to slap out bans all the time opposite the office
  12. MrAaron

    Alright my mate

    Alright my mate
  13. MrAaron

    10 years can I get honorary yet mate

    10 years can I get honorary yet mate
  14. MrAaron

    Perpheads 10 Year Anniversary

    Remember first playing in December 2013 and keep meaning to hop back on, it’s mad it’s been 10 years I remember being 14 at the time, time flies man. hope everyone’s well x
  15. MrAaron

    Update Log 21/02/2023

    George Michael and Freddie mercury roleplay