Recent content by Palono

  1. What happened to the Germans?

    Hey there from time to time I log in to the Server and run a small gun shop and that's always fun when some of the older players walk into my shop and recognize me after 2 seconds and just hang out in the shop. I stopped playing on the Server because I have a new job where I am the Head of 15...
  2. Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @Creepis well i got quiet interested in perp again so i thinking of joining a org and try to teach them how i use to run orgs and hopeful create a few rp orgs or some nice looking gun Shops
  3. Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @Creepis i am 27 not 30 dont make me older then i am but that was a very good time back then we had in our org a good mix of RP and Fun.
  4. Roleplay

    Some of you may know me I was the leader of the German Mafia the Org I had was not based on making money or Raiding our goal was it to make RP most of the Time we had a Gun Shop and we made a lot of RP around it. Or when I Remember back there was an Org that just RP a Restaurant such things are...
  5. RP

    Hey There most of you don't know me but back in the Days when perp was a serious rp server i was running a small German Organisation called German Mafia. The Organisation didn`t care about making money or raiding our goal was it to have fun with RP and as i can say the time back then was my best...
  6. Selling/Buying Premium

    Buying Premium Your Steam Name: Palono Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20406899 Your Roleplay Name: Palono Harrison Buying Price (In-game money): however much you sell for. Length of premium (30 days, 90 days or 180 days): 180 Still Buying: (Please update when you are no longer buying): yes
  7. ja

  8. Palono

    Thanks a lot
  9. A long time ago in perp

    but no one had that nice gun shops like we used to have :)
  10. Resignation

    will miss you cole. We had a lot of fun together and in the German Mafia.
  11. A long time ago in perp

    I hope we will soon see it again this good old times.
  12. [DEBATE] Is Olsen Banden ruining PERP?

    What i have seen in perp there are less RP or Crafting Orgs like the Trapanis or the German Mafia. and there are less Gun shops around then one year ago. i mean this is a Gun Shop that was Good old German Mafia time
  13. New Idetity?

    Idetity got ones a week a dev update and if you look what they already have it`s nice. i take a look how this guys will do it to hape taht we got more RP games like we play in Gmod or ArmA
  14. New Idetity?

    I just found on kickstarter a simular Project to Identity check it out.
  15. TFU's current state

    Hey there, I am a Sgt. in Plpd, My feeling about TFU: + TFU is nice if you have huger Shutouts with gangs, the Cops winn more often huger fights. + Extend the Rp. ( In a lot of situation TFU can extend the RP without the player call it Police Powergaming) - I don`t like it that TFU take over...